Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle Complete Guide | Not knowing the Dragon Ball saga is pretty much the same as living your whole life outside the world.
In this guide we will show you how to take the first steps in Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle but first a little history of the famous Japanese anime!
Since 1986, the year of publication of the first volume of the manga Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama's work freely inspired by the exploits of Sun Wukong in the classic Chinese novel "The Journey to the West", has been a huge success and has seen its re-proposal in virtually every existing media (canonical souls, OAV spin off, fan made, collectible cards, action figures and live action), including a series of video games that touch almost all existing genres: from classic fighting games to turn-based RPGs to card battle video games.
And it is precisely of a card battle game inspired by the "magnum opus" of Toriyama that we want to talk to you: Dragon Ball Dokkan Battle, a free-to-play for Android and iOS that has exceeded 200 million downloads worldwide, where we can literally "collect" our warriors sayan and make them fight with statistics.
How to download Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle | To download the game, log in: Google Play | App Store.
The first steps: the home screen
The home screen contains all the essential elements of the game.

The scouter at the top (or power detector), contains all the player profile data that we're going to analyze below:
- The rank on the left represents the level of the player, which determines the maximum level of stamina and other parameters related to the team of characters to be deployed.
- The stamina instead represents the points needed to play, every single event has a variable stamina cost and the latter is regenerated, as in any self-respecting free-to-play, patiently (1 point every five minutes), or at the cost of a stone, the premium currency of the game.
- The zenes are the base currency of the game, which can be used in Baba's Shop to buy mostly common types of items and PGs, while the stones are the premium currency, the one that allows you both to recharge your stamina faster and get stronger and rarer characters and items.
In the middle we have the character wheel of our roaster, which are essentially divided into 5 classes of fighters (plus a bonus) and several levels of rarities, elements that we will explore later.
Just below our team, appears the central START button, which will start our main quest and the 4 side buttons: news, gift (in case the developers want to give you extra characters and objects), menu (which will give you access to the various game options) and Shenron, a button that in case you have collected all seven spheres during the adventure, will allow you to summon the dragon and make a wish (needless to ask the winning numbers of the Lotto, we have already tried).
Below then, in addition to the home button, team, Baba's shop and the inevitable microtransactions to buy premium currency, we have the summon button, through which is bet from five to fifty stones (someone said gambling?) to get characters and objects more or less rare.
Quest screen
The quests and events take place in maps very similar to a common board game.
Our character can move from 1 to 6 squares, choosing from three random possibilities (for example, 4; 3 or 5 squares).
Since it is not possible to move backwards, it is advisable to always think carefully about the path to select, always trying to opt for the one with fewer enemies and more items to collect.
All fights tend to be avoidable, but the moment you hit a "Stop" box, you will be forced to fight.
As we can see, in addition to the enemy boxes, you can also come across other items listed here:
Capsules: contain items useful to the characters, with different levels of rarity, which depend on the capsule's label
- Blue label > support object (HP recovery, defense increase, etc.)
- Red label > level up object
- Purple label > medals for aweking (more on this later)
Black silhouette: increases the Ki of a random character of the team by a small percentage.
Coin with letter "Z": provides a small amount of zeni
Yellow Viewfinder: makes you lose a variable amount of HP (depends on the difficulty).
Question mark: random effect among those mentioned above (including battle)
Baba Witch: She offers objects in exchange for zeni
Empty boxes generally have no effect, although in some cases particular icons may appear depending on whether you are participating in special missions or special events (the Speedy cloud, for example, can transport you to random boxes of the stage).
Main Quest Mode
The main Dragon Ball Dokkan Battle quest takes place in about 20 game areas, all composed of a variable number of stages, which once completed, give access to the next area.
Each level must be completed at every difficulty, from "normal" to "z-hard". To participate in each stage, a stamina cost is required and the cost increases according to the difficulty, as does the value of the rewards awarded.
N.B.: we strongly advise you not to consume stones to recharge your stamina, save them for summon.
At the end of each stage, you face a boss, in case the boss is too powerful, you can leave the stage and even if you lose all the objects collected, you will not lose the experience gained in the fights (a good system of grinding) and in case you are defeated by the boss, losing everything, try not to use stones to resurrect, but start the level again.
Dragon Balls
During your games you may come across the famous dragon balls.
Their position is not random on the map and you can know it directly by clicking on the "Shenron" button in the main HUB and selecting one of the seven spheres, in that way you will not only know which stage it is in, but it will be the game itself, if you want, to make you face it.
Once you have collected all seven spheres, you can summon the dragon Shenron to ask for one of the following wishes:
- Ten dragon stones and ten more character slots
- Rare objects
- Awakening medals.
- Bring more support items into battle
Missions are not internships, but rather objectives to be completed in order to obtain rewards, such as completing an internship with a specific team, rather than within a time limit or without using healing objects.
From rank 30 onwards, it is possible to have access to each mission mode, divided respectively in:
- Balzar (Normal)
- Supreme (Hard)
- King Kaioh (Z-Hard)
- Speedy cloud (random; limited time)
- Kaiohshin (Super)
For newbies, betting immediately on King Kaioh's can be a good way to earn enough stones and be able to play the first games in peace.
The bonus events are very useful to get rewards of various kinds, even if they are available for a limited time.
Some events can be tackled only once, others over a day or even an entire weekend.
Without a doubt, the most coveted rewards come from the Dokkan events, as they allow you to obtain the coveted awaken medals needed to transform your character into his rarest and most powerful version.
We talked about HUD and game modes, but our fighters? According to which criterion choose the characters to deploy in battle?
Below we will also talk about this
Types of fighters
The fighters in Dokkan Battle are divided into 5 categories plus 1 bonus: AGL (agility); STR (strength); PHY (constitution); INT (intelligence); TEQ (technique) and then there is Rainbow, a character category that can fall into any of these categories at random.
The categories are very important, because they determine the resistance and weaknesses of the characters, following a pattern very similar to that of Pokemon fights:
- PHY > is strong against INT but weak against STR
- STR > is strong against PHY but weak against AGL
- AGL > is strong against STR but weak against TEQ
- INT > is strong against TEQ but weak against PHY
- TEQ > is strong against AGL but weak against INT
Goku AGL will be strong against a STR character, but weak against a TEQ.
Of course, each character exists for more than one category, so we can also have a Goku STR.
Rarity of a character
In addition to the categories, it is also important to observe the rarity of a card, since the maximum level a character can reach depends on it:
- Normal (N): maximum level 20, not very useful even in the early stages of the game.
- Rare (R): maximum level 40
- Super Rare (SR): maximum level 60, very useful in the early stages of the game.
- Super Super Rare: maximum level 80
- Ultra Rare: maximum level 100
- Trascendent Ultra Rare: Maximum level 120
- Rare Legendary: maximum level 150
In a team-based game, with a team of 6 fighters, the simple levels of attack and defense of a character are not enough to determine victory or defeat in a fight. In fact, the character's abilities are often much more important.
There are three types of skills that, together with the strength and weakness factors of the different categories, can influence the outcome of a battle:
- Leadership Skills: can only be activated by the character when assigned as leader in the party
- Passive Skill: special skills always active in battle
- Link Skills: Probably the most important ones, they are activated and upgraded when a fighter is flanked by one or more teammates with the same skills
Evolution Awaken
Depending on the rarity of the card, you can use the medals to get 3 types of "awakenings"
It's about unlocking the different columns of a character's stats, each time it reaches the determined number of Awaken medals, you can awaken a column, also increasing the rarity level of a character.
Once all the columns of a wrestler are awakened, the so-called Z-Awakening takes place, where the rarity of a card increases up to the SR level and the name of the category, the words "Super" are added in case it is one of the heroes, "Extreme" in case it is a Dragon Ball villain.
Dokkan Awakening
Some characters can, once they reach the level cap determined by the rarity of the card and once Z-Awakening is unlocked, reach a further stage of "awakening" through Dokkan Awakening, a transformation that brings the character back to level 1, but gives them significantly higher stats than normal.
To face a battle, you'll have to sacrifice some stamina.
The consumption of stamina, as mentioned above, depends on the difficulty of the battle: the greater the difficulty, the higher the consumption of stamina, but at the same time the same rewards will be more valuable.
In battle you can line up a party of 6 characters, plus a random one taken among your friends added online, for a total of 7 fighters.
During battles you won't be able to use all 7 characters, but you can only choose 3 at a time.
The purpose of the fight will obviously be to defeat the opponent, and to do so, you'll have to join a series of energy spheres from the same opponent.
Every single sphere is worth 1 Ki, in case the spheres are of the same icon as the character's category, so you can always calculate their resistances and weaknesses and plan the next move with your team.
At the end of each fight you will get rank points, essential to level up and use increasingly rare and powerful cards in your team.