For such a brutally simple game, this game has a lot of wrinkles that you need to know. Whether you are looking for secrets, cheat codes, runes, or sentinel crystals, you are constantly bombarded with choices. Choose these upgrades. Select these weapon modules. Pass these points. There is a lot to experience and everything is great. No matter how you play, victory can be achieved.
But you might want to keep a few of these tips in mind. For your own reason.
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Don't waste your precious chainsaw fuel if you don't have to! The Chainsaw is an instakill attack that has its own ammo (fuel) - and you'll need more fuel for tougher enemies. The Arachnotron costs x3 fuel to instakill, while fodder enemies cost only x1 fuel. All enemies drop the same amount of ammo when hit with the Chainsaw, so save your fuel for weaker enemies if you're weak.
Check your card often! All nearby collectibles will appear on the map, which makes them much easier to spot. You won't miss any secrets if you check your card often. Look for "?" marks - and later you can purchase Exploration Praetorian Suit upgrades to show off all of the collectibles on each map.

If you die too many times, will can activate sentry armor for additional help again the boss fights. This feature is available in all difficulty modes except Ultra-Nightmare and Extra Life mode. You'll know you're in a boss battle if the map location has a yellow tint for Demonic Infection.
Some weapon mods are better against enemies - The shotgun sticky bomb can instantly titillate cacodemons if you shoot one in its mouth, while the heavy cannon precision bolt can easily take care of the Arachnotron's turret. Certain weapons are also better against certain enemies; Plasma Rifle can overload shield-wielding demons for an instakill.

You will unlock the Flame Belch after mission 1. The Flame Belch gradually fills up over time, and Blasted enemies with Belch's drop armor of flame instead of health. Just set them on fire and leave them alone - they will continue to drop armor as long as they are on fire. Or you can kill them for a huge blast of extra armor.
In Mission 2 you will find Rune upgrades. Not all Rune effects are created equal - some runes are much better than others. In particular, the saving throw and Chrono Strike are two of the best runes. Saving Throw gives you a second chance to live on your death, and Chrono Strike lets you slow down mid-flight time so you can perform precision shots.

Once an enemy has been put into a Stumbling State, they can recover - but they will also revert to a Staggered State if you get them mixed up or do damage. If you stagger a bunch of enemies at the same time, you can re-stagger them easily if you remember who is weakened!
Reach the end of a mission to unlock Fast Travel. Open the map and select (Fast travel) to teleport to one of the previous locations you visited. It is extremely convenient to come back to explore areas you cannot easily reach and finish collecting all the collectibles. Remember, you won't unlock this option until you've reached the end of the level.

To unlock the full power of a weapon you will need to collect weapon mod points. There are 10 weapon mod points in each mission, and you'll unlock them to further clear the Demonic Corruption Meter - you can see the demon infestation locations on the map screen.
To make your weapon as powerful as possible, earn weapon mod points, unlock all mod upgrades, and reveal a hidden mastery challenge. Completing the challenge gives you a special upgrade. For example, unlock the two Shotgun Sticky Bomb mod upgrades to unlock the “Destroy 25 Arachnotron Turrets” mastery challenge. Do this and you will be able to shoot 5 sticky bombs before reloading.
Sentinel Crystals are rare collectibles that grant permanent buffs at Doomguy - there are three types of upgrades; Health, armor, and ammo. If you unlock two linked upgrades, you will get a special effect. Some effects are better than others. I recommend getting the effect that helps you collect pickups from further afield. It's always useful in a fight.
That's all the advice we've gotten so far. There is a lot of complexity to be found in DOOM Eternal. It's just scratching the tech edge o