During Cal's journey, he rebuilds his former master's lightsaber in Jedi: Fallen Order, granting him access to a double-bladed lightsaber. You can quickly switch between the two positions, giving you a different approach to combat. Both styles of saber have their uses, and understanding them is key to surviving the game.
For those who are still early in the game, here's how you pick up the Double Bladed Lightsaber at the start of the game.
Which lightsaber you light depends on the situation. Are you surrounded by several stormtroopers or enemies, shooting at you? You'd better get your double-bladed saber out and ready to go. Your attacks won't do as much damage as your blade, but you will hit several other enemies at once. This helps to clear the numbers, which gives you a better advantage to narrow down the group. Also, if you can hit multiple enemies, you prevent them from attacking you or doing anything to you.
Now when you're only one target you want to hold back and go back to one blade. You can do a lot more damage to the single target with your blade. You don't have to worry about slamming around Cal wildly and you're not focused on speed. You want your hits to count every time you swing your blade, and the simple saber does.
Switching quickly between the two styles is also essential. When you want to remove the dual blade, you have to press the right button of the directional pad and, to return to single blade, you have to press the left side of the pad. You don't have to swing your blade to switch between the two and make sure you're a decent distance from your targets before switching.
When fighting a boss, you definitely want the single blade out for a good majority of the encounter. A decent strategy, if you can get it, is to stagger the target with a parry, then unleash several timed hits with the double blade, and just before the block counter drops, go to single to make the most of. damage when they stagger. As they retreat, they're vulnerable to the damage you take, and the Dual Blade has done the majority of the work to eradicate their block counter.