Crafting better weapons in Windbound is essential to staying alive throughout its chapters. You'll encounter tougher enemies as you play, so crafting more powerful weapons - and ones that don't break - such as better bows is vital, especially if you're playing Survivalist mode.
In order to craft some of the best weapons in the game, you need to collect some special crystals. The two gems you will need to craft them are the Heart of the Leviathan and the Eye of the Storm. Each crystal grants specific powers to certain weapons, such as increasing their explosion radius or causing enemies to bleed, which does more damage to them.
Leviathan's Heart and Storm's Eye gems can also be used to make your ship more powerful. For example, you can create figureheads for your boat - like the Gloomharrow figurehead - that gives your boat a speed boost if you hold down the "raise mast" button. This is useful if you are sailing into the wind and need to gain speed quickly.

If better weapons and a faster boat sound appealing, you'll want to know where you can find the Leviathan's Heart Gems and Storm's Eye Crystals. You can get them in two places. The first comes from the blue vases that you can find in destroyed human settlements or on small islands. You can get lucky by smashing the larger vases and digging up a gem. This is hit or miss, however, don't bet on acquiring either of the vases you break.
The second location is the Leviathan's Heart and Storm's Eye deposits. If you explore each island thoroughly, you may notice some rocky deposits that have an orange or purple glow beneath their exterior. If you have a hammer, you can mine these blocks - they take three hits before shattering - to unearth either crystal.
Each deposit gives you a gem, but only one is enough to craft a powerful weapon like the Bow of Torment, or something like the Gloomharrow figurehead. If you don't use them right away, be sure to keep these crystals on you at all times. If you die, especially in Survivalist mode, you will lose any items that are not in the "Outfit" section of your crafting menu, which you will not be happy about.