To increase the rank of a bunker, players must trade Glimmer and other Season 10 currencies such as Regular and Crypto Warmind Bits, which are awarded for completing various in-game activities such as the Daily Bunker Buster. , Legendary Lost Sectors, Rasputin Bounties, and the Seraph Tower Public Event. Currencies earned are returned to Rasputin in one of the open bunkers in exchange for access to the Armory, where players can purchase Seventh Seraph Weapons, Weapon Frames, Season 10 cosmetics, Seraph Bunker Point (PDS) defense systems and more.
Whether or not a player has purchased the Season Pass, other Seventh Seraph weapons can be earned by reaching Ranks 30 and 45 on the Season Pass free track. Raising the ranks of Seraph Bunker is easier and faster with a Premium Pass, as paid Pass holders have more activities to choose from, which makes the job more rewarding, and they receive bonus XP through the Pass which does not are not offered to free players.
Seraph's Seventh Weapon: Season Pass Level Rewards
The following pair of weapons can be obtained by upgrading a Guardian to Ranks 31 and 45 of the Season Pass free track, although premium players will have access to more weapon features such as Masterworking, Ornaments, and Bonuses. seasonal loungers. At Season Pass Rank 92, premium players will also acquire a Rasputin Armory Credit, which allows a random purchase of weapons in Rasputin per day. The following describes the Seventh Seraph Weapons which are available to all players with the inclusion of their premium bonuses below.
- Seventh Seraph VY-7 - Legendary submachine gun
- Masterwork - Increases the level of all Season Pass Legendary Seventh Seraph VY-7 weapons by 1.
- Strike Scrounger - Grants a chance to receive additional VY-7 Seventh Seraph Drops upon completing strikes.
- Gambit Scrounger –Gives a chance to receive additional Seventh Seraph VY-7 Drops for completing Gambit matches.
- Crucible Scrounger - Grants a chance to receive additional VY-7 Seventh Seraph Drops after completing Crucible matches.
- Tyrant’s Lash - Equip this weapon ornament to change the appearance of Seventh Seraph VY-7.
- Seventh Seraph CQC-12Legendary Sun Rifle
- Masterpiece - Increases the level of all Season Pass Legendary Seventh Seraph CQC-12 weapons by 1.
- Gambit Scrounger – Grants a chance to receive additional Seventh Seraph CQC-12 drops upon completing Gambit matches.
- Crucible Scrounger – Grants a chance to receive additional Seventh Seraph CQC-12 Drops upon completing Crucible matches.
- Strike Scrounger - Grants a chance to receive additional CQC-12 Seventh Seraph Drops upon completing strikes.
Given that two of the seventh Seraph weapons were attainable through Season Pass leveling, it's no surprise that there are five Seraph weapons left to collect. Go to one of the three Seraphim bunkers to visit Rasputin's armory.
Armory: Seventh Seraphic Weapon Armor
Repeatable Seraphic Bounties
Each of the following Repeat Bounties (excluding the) costs 3000 Glow and 3 Encrypted Warmind Bits:
- Automatic rifle - A repeatable bounty that gives you a random roll of Seventh seraph rifle.
- Requires EDZ Bunker at Rank 3
- Handgun - A repeatable bounty that gives you a random roll of Seventh Seraph SI-2.
- Requires Lunar bunker at rank 3
- Main Canon - A repeatable bounty that gives you a random roll of Seventh seraph officer's revolver.
- Requires I Bunker au rang 3
- Machine Pistolet - A repeatable bounty that gives you a random roll of Seventh Seraph SAW.
- Requires all seraph bunkers at rank 3
- : Players who reached Rank 92 season pass and collected the Rasputin Armory Credit can buy the weapon of the Seventh Seraph of Rasputin of the day.
- Costs 60 Warmind Bits, 5 Legendary Shards, and 3000 Twinkles
Armory: Seraph Cosmetics
Here are the cosmetics from the Seraph Warsat Network for Season of the Worthy:
- Shader: Midnight Demanding
- Shader: Valkyrie Zero
- Ship: Absalom knife
- Emblem: Knight of the Old Guard
- Compatible stat trackers: seasons, count
Armory: Seraph Bunker Point Defense Systems - BUG
Players will only be able to access this PDS selection after manually clearing the bunker. Each purchase redirects power back to the Seraph Bunker's PDS, allowing Rasputin to take control and neutralize the scavenging fighters.
- PDS: Proximity - The day after purchase, this PDS automatically clears this enemy bunker for the day
- Cost 1 encrypted Warmind bit and 6 Warmind bits
- PDS: Priority - Automatically clears this Seraph bunker from enemy combatants on the day it is purchased
- Costs 2 encrypted Warmind bits and 12 Warmind bits
- PDS: supported - Automatically clears this Seraph bunker from enemy fighters for the day it is purchased and for the rest of the week until it is reset
- Costs 4 encrypted Warmind bits and 24 Warmind bits
Warmind 'Miscellaneous' Armory Cell Mods
The following items are labeled under a "Miscellaneous" tab at the bottom of each Armory menu. So far, it looks like 'miscellaneous' actually means worthy armor mods that deal with Warmind cells, but this post will update accordingly if new 'miscellaneous' items are added.
EDZ Armory: Miscellaneous items
Each of these mods requires Bunker Rank 7, costs 5 bits of Warmind Encrypted, and deals with solar power:
- Worthy Armor Mod: Incinerating Light
- Requires 3 points of solar power; stacks with similar mods.
- Defeating a fighter with a Seventh Seraph weapon has a chance to drop a Warmind cell. Multiple copies of this mod do not stack.
- Mod d'armure digne: Rage of the Warmind
- Requires 5 points of solar power; stacks with similar mods.
- Defeating a fighter with a Seventh Seraph weapon has a chance to drop a Warmind Cell. Multiple copies of this mod do not stack.
Moon Armory: Miscellaneous items
Each of these mods requires Bunker Rank 7, costs 5 bits of Warmind Encrypted, and deals with Arc Energy:
- Worthy Armor Mod: Light of Warmind
- Requires 3 points of arc energy; stacks with similar mods.
- Defeating a fighter with a Seventh Seraph weapon has a chance to drop a Warmind cell. Multiple copies of this mod do not stack.
- Worthy Armor Mod: Protect Energy
- Requires 5 points of arc energy; stacks with similar mods.
- Defeating a fighter with a Seventh Seraph weapon has a chance to drop a Warmind cell. Multiple copies of this mod do not stack.
Io Armory: Miscellaneous objects
Each of these mods requires Bunker Rank 7, costs 5 bits of Encrypted Warmind, and deals with Void Energy:
- Worthy Armor Mod: Light of Darkness
- Requires 3 points of nil energy; stacks with similar mods.
- Defeating a fighter with a Seventh Seraph weapon has a chance to drop a Warmind cell. Multiple copies of this mod do not stack.
- Worthy Armor Mod: Warmind's Grasp
- Requires 3 points of nil energy; stacks with similar mods.
- Defeating a fighter with a Seventh Seraph weapon has a chance to drop a Warmind cell. Multiple copies of this mod do not stack.