Since the Eververse store releases items in a weekly rotation, it will greatly benefit you to be prepared with a shiny stash of dust to spend when the store has an item that you really want. Be aware that many items will require cash instead of Bright Dust, although Bungie has been keen to announce on certain social channels which silver items will be posted for Bright Dust in the future.
How to get luminous dust
Bright Dust can be obtained by completing the weekly bonuses and bonuses for Vanguard, Crucible, and Gambit, all of which can be purchased in the tower from Zavala, Shaxx, and Drifter, respectively.
Players can claim two Weekly Bounties from each of these sources. At the end, weekly bounties will grant 200 luminous dust each, for a total of 1200 Bright Dust per week if all of these items are completed.
From the same sources, players can also recover bonus bounties granting 10 Bright Dust each. The amount of bonus bounties a player can claim is only limited to the amount of space in a player's quest / bounty page.
To cultivate Bright Dust more efficiently, it allows you to focus on one area at a time (Vanguard, Crucible, or Gambit) by grabbing the two weekly bounties and as many bonus bounties as possible for that area. Often times, players clear multiple bounties at once this way, where they can then return to the tower and restock, or move on to the next area for its corresponding weekly bounties and bonuses.
Luminous Dust can also be earned via Seasonal Event Bounties (when a Seasonal Event is in place), by opening Eververse items, or by opening Engrams containing cosmetic items. Many of these ngrams need to be decrypted.
One such Engram that can contain Luminous Dust is the Bright Engram (like the Memories Engram Fund in Season 9) which players could purchase with Silver from the Eververse store to receive a random cosmetic. However, Bungie recently announced that Bright Engrams will no longer be sold in Season 10, although players can still earn them by progressing through the Season Pass free track. Each item found in a Bright Engram can be disassembled for Bright Dust, the amount of which will vary depending on the item received.
Shiny dust items for sale
Recurring items
You can almost always expect the Eververse store to carry the following consumables for Bright Dust, although prices are subject to change:
- Concentrated matter - Legendary consumable that increases the chances that defeated bosses drop an upgrade mod.
- Vanguard's sparkling glow - A legendary consumable and an upgrade to the Boon of the Vanguard sold by Zavala. It can be used during a strike to unlock an Eververse gift for all active players.
- Sparkling Blessing of the Crucible - Legendary consumable and a Crucible Favor upgrade sold by Shaxx. It can be used during a strike to unlock an Eververse gift for all active players.
In addition to the above items, the Eververse store may also sell each of the following Bright Dust items for a total of 14 items per week, which change on weekly reset and are also subject to price changes:
- Legendary Shader -
- There are usually two Legendary Shaders sold at the same time.
- Each Legendary Shader contains only one app, so choose wisely what element you want to apply it to.
Armor ornaments
- Legendary Armor Ornament (Universal) -
- Once acquired, Legendary (Universal) Armor Ornaments are unlocked on all characters in a player's account.
Weapon ornaments
- Legendary weapon ornament -
- Once acquired, Legendary Weapon Ornaments are unlocked on all characters in a player's account.
- Exotic weapon ornament -
- Once acquired, Exotic Weapon Ornaments are unlocked on all characters in a player's account.
Vehicles: Ships
- Legendary ship -
- Exotic ship
Vehicles: sparrows
- Legendary sparrow
- Exotic sparrow -
- Emote rare -
- Legendary emote -
- Exotic emote -
Ghost projections
- Legendary Phantom Projection:
Ghost shells
- Legendary Ghost Shells -
- Exotic ghost shells -