Bounties in Destiny 2 are a great way to earn extra experience, improve your Season Pass rank, and get your hands on new gear and loot. With Shadowkeep, the ability was introduced, allowing you to repeatedly purchase a random bounty from most vendors, allowing you to continue to receive the bonus experience associated with the activity you want to play.
Destiny 2 Bounties
Bounties can be collected from several vendors in the game. This includes Shaxx, Zavala, the Armorer and the Drifter in the Tower. You can also collect bounties from regional vendors, such as Devrim Kay in the EDZ, Eris Morn on the Moon, and more.

To earn a bonus, go to the seller who offers bonuses for the activity you want to play. Each provider will have five bonuses each day and two weekly bonuses per week. After that, you have 24 hours to complete the premium before it expires and seven days to complete the weekly premium. This timer is from when you pick up the Bounty; it is not related to the weekly reset.
- Shaxx - Primes de creuset
- Zavala - Vanguard Bonuses
- The Drifter – Primes Gambit
- The Gunsmith - Weapon Calibration Bonuses
- Regional sellers - Random bounties for this region
Once you have purchased the bounties, you can review and track them in the quest screen. Open the manager, then click on the Quests tab. All active bounties will be displayed here on the right side of the screen and you can scroll through them with the cursor to review their details. Once the bounty is over, you can return it directly from the Quests tab. It is not necessary to return to the supplier you obtained them from.

Bounty rewards
To see the rewards for each bounty, scroll through it before picking it up from the vendor. You can also scroll down under the Quests tab to see the rewards.
Bounties can offer experience, loot, and res