Deathbringer is a new exotic rocket launcher in Destiny 2 that's hidden behind a multi-stage quest. In this guide, we'll show you how to complete the quest so you can get your hands on its destructive power.
Destiny 2 - Exotic Deathbringer Guide
The first thing to do is complete the Shadowkeep campaign. This will lead to a new quest that you must complete for Eris Morn.
Step 1 - Visit Lost Sectors
You will need to find and complete three Lost Sectors on the Moon. You might want to do a bit of leveling before you start on this part, as Lost Sectors will be around 860-890 wattage. Below are guides with embedded videos showing you how to access each Lost Sector. . Make sure you kill each boss and collect the cache at the end.
Step 2 - Firewall Data Fragments
For this stage, head to the Lost Sector of Revelation K1 in Sorrow's Harbor. It's the only Lost Sector there, right in the center, so it's easy to find. Go to the back of the Lost Sector and you will see a tunnel to the right. Jump into the tunnel and you'll find a door that will open as long as you have the Firewall Data Fragments. Interact with the console inside to proceed to the next step.
Step 3 - Repair the collar
For this part, Sorrow's Harbor is the best place to go. You have to kill the nightmares using the abilities of the bow. Nightmares regularly appear around the Sorrow's Harbor area, so shut them down until the end of this game.
Step 4 - Visit Eris
Spawn near Eris and you'll see an open portal. Head through and follow the waypoint to Eris. Talk to her, then open the chest next to her to get a Deathsinger skull and properly start the Exotic quest.
Step 5 - Gather the bones
You have to collect three bones for this part.
- The bone collector will appear near the anchor of the lumen, as it usually does if this step is active.
- The second bone is from the K1 Revelation Lost Sector. You just have to destroy the wizards, then the crystals, then the leader of the lost sector.
- The third can be obtained by hosting a Heroic Public Event near Hellmouth.
Step 6 - Eliminate the High Conductor
For this step, you must kill High Chief Sulmakta. You can find her in the Scarlet Keep strike, on the second floor of the long elevator ride.
Step 7 - A good old slaughter
For this part you have to kill normal hives, majors and bosses. Once again, Sorrow's Harbor is a great place to do this and you can complete it very quickly.
Step 8 - The Choir of the Damned
Once you have killed all the enemies from the previous step, you will have access to a special mission to the Moon. This is the 920 horsepower, so you may need to grind a bit to be able to do this. Once the mission is complete, the Deathbringer will be yours!