And some of us just want to make the game a little easier. Demon's Souls isn't as brutally balanced as future games in the series, and there are completely mastered strategies you can use to take out some of the game's more difficult bosses. And there's a class that starts with some of the toughest bosses in the game. most useful equipment in the game.
This isn't news for gamers who've been around from the start - but for anyone choosing a PS5, you might want to pick this particular class.
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Easiest starting class | OP construction guide
For beginner players, the obvious class to choose first is the Knight or the Soldier. These are simple and reliable classes - almost everyone will go with the Knight. It's a smart choice, but not the easiest choice.
If you are looking for a simple starting choice that gives you an instant advantage, choose the Royalties.
- Royalties is one of the most OP starting classes. It's a magic-based class - and magic can be incredibly powerful in this game.
- Starts with the Soul Arrow Magic Spell. A very useful and fast close range projectile spell that is useful for the whole game.
- Also starts with the Scented ring - when equipped, this ring allows your character to slowly regenerate his MP over time.
Why royalty is the most powerful starting class
Silver Catalyst and Armor also increase your MP total. You might want to replace the spell outfit with knight armor - just boost your stats so you can cast quickly.
Start by increasing your Magic et Intelligence stats - Magic increases damage, intelligence simply increases the number of spells you can memorize, so focus on magic first.
To increase the power even more, you will want acquire the Kris blade early. The Kris blade is found in 2-1 [Stonefang Tunnel] Near the end. Join the last elevator and explore the ramp to the left to find it. The Kris Blade, when equipped, deals more magic damage to you. Just use it as a raised hand weapon while you cast magic spells with a catalyst.
As you progress you will want to find more spells and weapons. You can even use weapons infused with magic to deal extra damage. Here's a quick list of useful items and weapons you'll want to track down.
Creation of useful royalties Weapons and spells
- Uchigatana: Magic sword found in 4-1 [Shrine of Storms]. Located in the area where the Vanguard Demon spawns.
- Ring of Magic Sharpness: This very useful ring increases the damage of magic spells. Find it in 3-1 [Tower of Latria] on the fourth floor of the prison, in the room with four young iron maids that you can open.
- Soul ray: Improved version of the Soul Arrow. Earned by exchanging the Soul of the doll demon acquired from 3-1 [Tower of Latria] boss. Give it to Sage Freyke, the guy you can save 3-1 with the Keeper's Key.
- Soul Arrow of Return: Powerful spell created from Soul of the old monk - the final boss of 3-3 [Tower of Latria]. Exchange the boss's soul for Say Freyke after releasing him from Prison of hope.
- Madness Catalyst: Alternatively, instead of creating the Homing Soul Arrow spell, you can upgrade your Wood / Silver Catalyst to a powerful Madness Catalyst with the Soul of the old monk. This greatly increases the damage of your magic attacks, but reduces max MP by 50%.
- Second chance: Wake-up spell created from Soul of the old hero, the second boss of 4-2 [Ritual Path]. It's a miracle that instantly revives you when you die, bringing you back with 50% HP. And it can be used again when you raise. Trade the soul for Saint Urban to get it.
- The wrath of god: A powerful explosion of miraculous energy created from the soul of the dragon god - the final boss of 2-3 [Stonefang Tunnel]. It is one of the strongest spells in the game and can damage enemies through walls.
- Equip the Sincere Prayer Ring to increase its damage.