When you die in human form in Demon's Souls, you will lose your humanity. It gets you started with less health. Dying as a human will also turn the world into Black Tendency, which will make things more difficult. Every time you die in human form, the world will get darker, blacker, and enemies will be tougher. The upside is that there will be more items and rewards for killing those tougher enemies. The only way to get your humanity back once you've lost it is to kill a boss and get their demon soul. Once you have defeated a world boss, you will regain your humanity and your full health will return. There is another way to become human again and achieve 100% health, and that is by using an ephermeral eye stone. There are also two other ways to get humanity for more advanced players. The first is to help another co-op player defeat a boss by using the Blue Eye Stone OR by becoming a Black Ghost invading someone else's world and killing them using the Stone of the black eye.
How to get back to human in Demon's Souls
- Kill a boss
- Use the Aphoric Eye Stone
- Become a Black Phantom and kill a player
- Help the player defeat a boss with Blue Phantom
How to get back to full health
Getting your health back is as easy as becoming a human, so just use one of the methods above to get your humanity (and your health) back. But just be warned that when you are human and die outside of the Nexus, you will change the world's tendency to Black every time you die.