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How To Ride The Roller Coaster | Easter Egg Guide

On the Pacifica Coast, Coastview - the massive failing vacation spot - you'll get a glimpse of a huge, full-size roller coaster. Most of us (probably rightly so) assumed it didn't work. And that's not the case if you just checked it out. You will have to do a little more.
Roller coasters are available once you reach 2 act In history. This is when the curfew is lifted, so you are free to explore the whole city. Even if you don't have the level for Pacifica, you shouldn't have a problem getting to the roller coaster entrance booth.
Go to Mega Ride gate area to start - you will find the roller coaster seats stopped. Scan the cart and you will see that the power is off. Don't give up yet - to the left of the cart there is a lower section under the railing with a walkway.

This maintenance area has a yellow electrical box "DANGER". Interact with it to restore power to the roller coaster. You can now return to the cart and choose to enter. Johnny will never speak to you! It will roll by your side all the time. Even Johnny is scared.
As you ride, you can even interact to raise your hand. Keep an eye out for the island in the far east, and you'll even get a glimpse of a space shuttle launch.
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