The Cairn Stones from Assassin's Creed Valhalla are usually found along the cliffs.
As you explore England and beyond in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, sometimes you'll find yourself walking through some sort of overhang, usually jutting out onto the landscape. If you see already completed cairn stones lining the path, you have found a cairn stone mystery. Simply walk to the edge of the gazebo to interact with the pile of rocks resting there.
From there, you'll be taken to the Cairn Stone mini-game in Assassin's Creed Valhalla, which requires you to stack all the stones until the last one passes through the hovering circle above. You might be tempted to just pick up stones and slam them on top of each other, but it's a sure-fire way to lower your stack. There are a few tips you need to consider if you want to be successful.
First, identify both larger stones and those with a flatter surface. Larger stones are heavier and are less likely to fall the lower they are in the pile. Flatter stones balance each other better, so you want to find a balance between the two to keep things stable. The stones in your cairn can be rotated with the triggers and analog sticks, and you will need to use both options to properly place your stone.
Use the sticks to rotate, rotate and change the height of your stone. The left joystick will raise / lower, rotate and slide your stone left and right. If you need to pull it forward or back, rotate the camera with the right joystick to move it left or right in the direction you want. Rotate the stone with the triggers to place it on its flattest surface and repeat slowly. You want to watch your cairn, see how it balances, and notice where the center of gravity lines up.
Once you have successfully placed the last cairn stone and it is level or above the circle, press B / Circle to validate your cairn. As long as it doesn't fall, you'll complete the challenge and earn a skill point. See, it wasn't too difficult! You only need to be patient and delicate to successfully create cairns in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.