How to start the AWE DLC in Control
To start the AWE expansion in Control, you need to complete a mission called A Dark Place. This task should be given to you automatically as long as you own the extension and the latest Control update is installed. You don't need to have beaten the main story or the first expansion to access AWE, but you do need to have completed the main story mission called "The Face of the Enemy" which is the seventh mission. main of Control. After you meet these criteria, A Dark Place should appear in your mission list. Your first objective is to study the sector elevator, and things quickly improve from there.
To find the Sector Elevator, head to the Central Executive Control Point in the Executive Sector. The sector elevator is at the end of a nearby corridor. If you can't find it, there's a sign hanging from the ceiling with an arrow pointing you in the right direction. As you approach the elevator, you will hear a familiar voice start to speak. Enter the elevator and go to the investigation area to start the AWE expansion.
To recap, here's how to start the AWE DLC in Control.
- Access the central executive checkpoint
- Examine the elevator in the area
- Enter the elevator and go to the investigation area
The expansion is a bit longer than The Foundation DLC, but it should only last you a few hours from start to finish. There is a lot of new secondary content added to the game with the latest update, including a time trial mode and the ability to replay some boss fights, so you can spend hours and hours in the oldest house. if you wish it.