Is the Watch Dogs: Legion Season Pass worth it?
The Watch Dogs: Legion Season Pass is included with the Gold, Ultimate, and Collector's editions of the game, but you can purchase it separately for $ 40. It includes the following elements.
- Two new post-match story expansions
- Four unique heroes
- Aiden Pearce
- Key
- Darcy
- Mine
- Three DedSec missions
- Not in our name
- Guardian protocol
- Swipe right
- Watch Dogs: Complete Edition
- DedSec car skin
Although not much is known about the second story expansion after the game, the first DLC in the story is titled Watch Dogs: Legion - Bloodline and stars Aiden Pearce, the protagonist at all. first game in the series. Not only that, but Watch Dogs 2's Wrench will also join him as a new unique character. Later, two more characters will join the mix, bringing the total to four. Darcy is a member of the Modern-Day Order of Assassins, and Mina is a subject of transhuman experiments capable of controlling the minds of enemies. All three DedSec missions included in the Season Pass are in-game at launch though, so you can experience them now. You will also get car wrap to personalize your vehicles. If you are new to the series, you will also get the Complete Edition of the Original Watch Dogs with the purchase of the Season Pass.
Our Watch Dogs: Legion review praised the game like any system, calling it "one of the most innovative mechanics of this generation", but we also felt that "history suffers greatly from this system, and repetitive missions do not help either. We advise you not to take advantage of the Season Pass unless you are a Watch Dogs mega fan. If you play the game and like it a lot, you can always buy it later if you really want to.
Watch Dogs: Légion is now available for PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. The game will also be available on PS5 and Xbox Series X / S when they launch in early November.