In Control, as you try to get to the parapsychology department on the Old Boy's Club mission, you'll come across a strange Hiss monster trying to make its way through a room. You must pass this monster to get to your destination. In this guide, we will show you how to lock it securely.
Control - How to solve the puzzle of the monster Hiss in parapsychology, the mission of the Old Boy club
Because you have no choice but to overtake the monster, you need to safely lock down your security. It can't be damaged or killed, so you need to be faster than that. Start by opening the door and head to the room with the monster. You will enter on the right and you should see a golden box there. Take this with Telekinesis and put it on top of each side of the door as shown in the image above.
Now you want to run into the tunnel below where you threw the box, and go down the hallway on the left. This will bring you back to the main area, but on the opposite side. There will be another gold box here. Throw this over the door on the other side. Again, head into the tunnel below where you threw the boxes.
Now comes the dangerous part, you have to wait for the monster to start moving through the wide tunnel towards you. As soon as that happens, run down the hallway to the left and head to the terminal above, just to the left of the door as you exit. Press the button to close all the tunnel doors and open the door you need to use to get to the next part of the story.
This isn't the hardest part once you get used to the way the monster is following you, make sure you are precise when throwing those gold boxes.