Control Jesse Faden must regain control of The Oldest House, the headquarters of the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC). As Jesse investigates what is going on in the house, supernatural things prevent him from venturing further. There is a notable in-game boss battle between her and The Anchor. This weird circular object with a swirling mess of things that continually spawns clocks in this great room. Here's how you beat the boss to keep moving forward.
How to beat the anchor under control
Pattern and damaging
The Swirling Orb of Destruction is your big bad. This creature continually swirls in place as it patiently waits to bring you down. You will notice four platforms in the room, separated by significant gaps and an ominous red glow coming out of them. You don't want to fall into it, you will die instantly. Hope you have so far practiced your levitation skills because this is where you show you master them.
The first part of the battle focuses on the spinning anchor, as you will see at the start. You want to float slowly between platforms, watching when it opens. When that happens, you'll see a huge red orb in the middle, which is the anchor's weak point. You have to fly an object directly into its mouth, damaging it. You must continually float between the platforms, keeping an eye out for the creature looking for this weak point.
Once you've damaged the first quarter of his health, he'll throw floating minions at you. These things will float towards you, coming from the giant mouth that is The Anchor. Avoid them as much as possible. When doing this, be careful not to end up in front of the anchor. In doing so, when it opens its mouth, it invites imminent death, as it projects a ray. You will need to change platforms quickly if you don't wait or watch the anchor enough during the encounter. Hitting the muzzle with a weapon in the middle prevents it from firing the beam.
You are going to find this to be a simple and easy meeting. The anchor doesn't do too many creative things. The general aggressive behavior of minions doesn't bother you too much. You won't have too many problems with the boss, as long as you prepare for the huge beam of light it emits.