Bosses in Control Jesse to test to see if she has successfully mastered the powers she has. You're probably going to feel that build-up, but the devs are doing it in a fun and exciting way with a legitimately good, solid story, you don't mind too much. You can have a good time and try your new skills against a new enemy. But sometimes Control will throw a ball at you and give you an old experience. This is very much the case with Mr. Tommasi's second fight later in the game. This is first the first boss you have to face, but you have to make another. We have the breakdown of what you need to do to complete it.
How to beat the second Mr. Tommasi Boss at control
Same old stuff
When you meet Mr. Tommasi in the room, you're going to see him floating and hovering in the air, much like he had been the first time you fought him. While he was moving in the same way, he did not have the red aura. The red aura gives him a bit of an advantage this time around, forcing you to switch tactics. You're going to focus on throwing items this time around, rather than just using your weapon to deal the majority of it.
You need to destroy his shield as quickly as possible to allow your weapon to do as much damage as possible. Just like with the first loss, you want to fight with him as much as possible. Keeping your vision and abilities on him will quickly reduce his shield.
You have a handful of pillars at your disposal when you face it. Unfortunately, once you reduce his health to a quarter of his health, he will summon minions to help him. Unlike the first time you fought him, these enemies will float around and appear undead. They are similar to the ones you encounter while fighting The Anchor. Although you will face some guards who are from the first fight. There aren't that many, however, and floats are the main problem.
During your fight, you will notice that if you focus too much on the program, Mr. Tommasi's shield will recharge. You want to make sure you deal as much damage to it as possible, making sure the shield stays down as often as possible.
As long as you can keep his shield low and dodge the attacks he gives you while you dodge the minions, you should be fine. This meeting is not too difficult and it is a relatively easy process from the boss.