Ahti, Control's funny but odd janitor, doesn't appear in AWE, but his presence is still felt. Much like the main game, Ahti has left you with three tasks to complete as you explore the investigation area. You need to remove mold, burn out darkness, and feed some plants as you walk through this area.
The quest to feed the plants is simple to complete. All you have to do is shed light on the plants - hidden throughout the investigation area - to bring them back to life. You can use the lights in this area to illuminate them. Just take them using your throwing ability and take them with you.
There are three regions of the Investigation Area that you need to find the Plants, and each has three Plants to shed light on.
AWE charging lot

The first plant is in the first room you enter. Go down the steps, after passing through the double doors, and turn immediately right. The plant is there, and there is a light nearby to shine on it.
Plant number two is located near this room. Go up the stairs you just came down and head right if you are facing the double doors. Step out onto the platform and the plant is nestled between two metal shelves. Use the same light as before.
The last plant is at the back of the room. It is hidden in an area with no light, so difficult to spot. If you still have the light with you, you should see it between crates and rolled up sheets.
Corridor of operations

Fast travel to the Corridor of Operations checkpoint. From there, grab the light to your right. Go through the double doors and immediately turn right and look behind you at the plant.
Then take the small path towards the signposts. Look to the left of there for the plant. The final factory is in the dead end area on the left path of the signposts. Go down to find it.
Abandoned offices

You can find that the first plant is the small room to the left of the first set of double doors that you burn into darkness. Enter the room with the light that burned that darkness. When you walk through the door, the plant is to your left.
The next plant is close to the multiplier objects when you enter this area. Take a light and head to the far corner where there is a painting on the floor and a red phone on the wall. The plant is between them.
The last one is in a hidden place. Look down the hall with the bedrooms on either side. Pass the tubes on the left and enter the room in front of you. There is a light above a filing cabinet. Go through the gray wall to your right to reveal the hidden area. The plant is right in front of you.