The Contact public event was added to Destiny 2 with the Arrivals Season. The new event can currently be found on Io, although we have reason to suspect that it could appear on Titan in the future. You can see the location of the event marked on the map below, all you have to do is spawn at Lost Oasis on Io, and it's right in front of you.

This event is very similar to Gambit, although it does get a lot more eventful towards the end. It starts at a power level of 990, so expect to get a bit knocked out if you're below. The good news is that the event is very busy at the moment, with a lot of players, so there will be a lot of people to help.
By the time he hits the last turn, the power level hits 1040, so be prepared to really fight for your life if you're under 990.
The par is based on the approximate version of Gambit. The enemies will appear and you will have to kill them and collect the Dark Motes that they deposit, then put them in the bank in the middle of the arena. If you own more motes, you will get a higher percentage each time you deposit them. This adds some risk, like if you die you lose the motes so make sure you drop them at a pace you're comfortable with.
You must fill the bank and reach 100%, four times during the event. While you are trying to do it, a timer is counting down, so you have to be quick. Every now and then blockers appear, and you will need to remove them to gain access to the bank again.
You should also watch out for the power lines that run from the large structure above the shore to a random area near the event. These will take you to a platform with barrier, unstoppable, or overload champions, and you'll need to remove them to get to Bloom, the floating sphere in the center of the platform. They can grab it and run with it, so you need to make sure you kill them as quickly as possible.
When they're dead, take Bloom to the bank for an ongoing ten percent leap. You should also watch out for enemies that get too close to the bank, otherwise they will steal flowers and slow your progress by ten percent.
When you get to the last part, you need to complete it 100% and then eliminate the random burns that will appear. When you kill all the burns, the final boss will appear and you must remove them before the timer runs out. You should also be aware that more burns may appear, granting the boss damage immunity, and you will have to remove them again to injure him.
The event ends when you either kill the boss or fail by letting the timer run out while he is still alive. An important point, the event automatically switches to heroic mode for the last turn, there is no set mechanic you have to do to get there, so good luck.