Have you ever thought about what the mind of a young artist can create? Thanks to new exclusive per PlayStation 4 made by PixelOpus, we can. We had the honor of trying the title Concrete Genie, available for the Sony console from the day October 8, 2019.
It is a particular and very colorful story: be careful, however, never judge a book by its cover. Will he have convinced us? Let's find out together in this new review!
Once upon a time there was the city of Denska ...
The story begins in Denska, a maritime town now abandoned and mainly characterized by heavy pollution. It is a dull, putrid city, without a shred of vitality and full of bad graffiti that frame the shabby structures, victims of daily vandalism.
At the top of the city, intent on drawing in his small notebook, we meet Ash, a young boy who, thanks to these drawings, immediately shows us Denska's moments of splendor: smiling children run through the streets, the structures are strong and resistant and the city is full of liveliness and colors.
Now, unfortunately, all of this is just one sad e far away memory: the city is now dominated by what is called darkness, dark purplish roots that make the town even more dead. Nobody lives there, just a handful of bullies who daily enjoy annoying poor Ash, even brutally.
Concrete Genie review: the magic of art
Following a particular event, we will finally take on the role of Ash and we will find ourselves at the old lighthouse that once lit up the city, looking for some papers. Suddenly one of our drawings, precisely the little moon, it will magically come to life and make us understand that the city needs us, our art: the only way to bring it back to life is turn on some light bulbs that frame the alleys and every corner of Denska.
How can we turn on these bulbs? Luna will give us a special brush, thanks to which we will be able to bring our art from the notebook to the city walls: our task will be to bring back the colors to Denska, filling it with paintings, magic and defeating the darkness that nestles in it.
It won't be such an easy feat, though. In the course of our adventure we will need a little help from our people Geni. Genes are creatures created by little Ash who, in certain situations, will help us overcome various obstacles and provide us with the Super Painting, useful when we are faced with a deeper darkness.
We can divide genes into three categories: The fire, electro e wind. We can give it the look we want most: pointed, round ears, small and plump or long and thin body, a pointed tail or flowers as a hat. Once we have chosen the external aspect of our Genius, it will be enough for us to animate him and at that point he will become our faithful companion in adventures!
Sometimes they will ask us to realize certain paintings: be good and please them. In return they will give you a lot of love and also Super Painting. Also, as mentioned above, they will help us in various situations: for example for turn on the power of some gate or for burning objects o move others.
During the course of the title we will also have to pay attention to that famous group of bullies, who will wander through the alleys of the city. Many times they will stop right in the places where we have to turn on the light bulbs: at that point we will just have to lure them away (mainly calling them) and run away.
These guys, however, have special stories and we will learn about them in the future.
A magic of colors and a special journey
At first the title may seem quite monotonous: create a Genius, move around the city, turn on the light bulbs and unlock various areas of Denska. In fact, when you least expect it, you will be hit by various twists that will completely overturn the opinion you have about the video game.
Also from a narrative point of view Concrete Genie is quite bare, some details regarding the life of the characters will be given to us sporadically in the form of a flashback but nothing more. But what this title offers is something intense and special.
We will be catapulted into a enchanting world ed unique, characterized by one vibrant graphics e viva. The paintings that we will create together with Ash are magnetic and every time we click the button to paint, we will be wrapped in a particular melody who will not be able to do anything but make us smile sincerely.
The way in which the Genes address us and in which they move or make faces, conveys a sense of tranquility and tenderness never felt before.
Every corner of the city, once brought back to life, will buy a own meaning and a own story, until it becomes a book that we will never tire of leafing through. It's a real one Wonderland, only instead of mad hatters and cups of tea, we will find cute Geni and a little boy full of courage and colors.
Concrete Genie here regala a unexpected journey, characterized by a noteworthy atmosphere and magic. It allows us to enter the mind of a young boy and to observe what it can achieve, it makes us understand how important art is and how much it can benefit the whole world. Ash will show us the world from his point of view and allow us to be part of it: a title that offers similar experiences cannot be left behind.
In some respects it is almost a invitation to bring art to every corner of our life because without it life is like Denska: gloomy, dark and devoid of any joy.
Concrete Genie
- Stunning graphics
- Intense colors
- Good soundtrack
- Particular gameplay
- Uninspiring fiction