All iPhones have a built-in battery, which is fixed inside the mobile phone and cannot be changed or removed with simple methods. For this reason, any replacement is expensive and takes some time before we can get our mobile back around. How can we be sure of the right moment when we need to ask for a replacement of our battery?
Checking the health of our battery is not exactly impossible, just download the App Battery Life which is completely free and allows us to see how healthy our battery is.
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Even though it is in English, it allows us to control several factors of our iPhone.
Generally speaking, the voltage of a smartphone battery nowadays is not always the same as what is described on the label. A 4,50v battery may be communicating at 4,12 because that is the energy currently required by the system. Charging cycles and temperature are also a very important role, which we can consult within the app itself.
Charging our battery once a day isn't bad, but for example three or four times is a little too much (unless you often use games or the camera to record in HD, it's also pretty weird!). Furthermore, the temperature is a key factor in keeping our battery healthy. Too high a temperature can result in a loss of energy and a loss of overall health of the battery.
In the same App you can conveniently check how much time you have spent in the various functions of the mobile phone, such as video or audio calls. In general, the Standby in this window should be the one that took most of the time on the iPhone. If nothing else we can check if we are using our smartphone a lot and are giving it a simple and relaxing life.
How to increase iPhone battery life?
If the iPhone is old, the battery has most likely deteriorated over time and even taking all the necessary precautions to save battery consumption will be difficult to improve its performance. However, there is a cheaper and more convenient solution than completely replacing the battery.
We are talking about the so-called iPHONE BATTERY COVER, which in addition to protecting the phone from bumps also allow you to increase the power and capacity of the current iPhone battery. Here are some battery covers for iPhone for sale on Amazon: