As we know the new jewel of Apple theiPhoneX has the display OLED, but this technology in addition to the benefits of allowing more screens thin ed efficient, it could bring with it the annoying effect burn-in. In fact it is feared that after finding the problem with the Google Pixel 2 and with the Nexus 6 iPhone X is the next victim.
What is burn-in?

Il burn-in is due to the on-screen display of astatic image for too long which leaves a slight but annoying alone permanently. The first screens to be affected were the cathode ray tube (CRT) monitor, that's why a moving screen saver was needed to get rid of the remnants of still images.

The phenomenon has been passed down to displays OLED, where the use of some pixel compared to others it can accelerate the inevitable deterioration causing these unpleasant discrepancy on the screen.
Although in some cases the halo of an image that has been displayed for too long disappears over time (image retention), there is a high risk of causing permanent damage.
Solutions: prevention is better than cure
But fear not, all is not lost. If we care about our new iPhone X gods will suffice little tricks to increase the life time of its display.
- Avoid showing static images for too long: for example not leaving the screen on for hours navigator or that of a game with still images.
- Avoid leaving the display on unnecessarily: putting it in Sleep-Mode when not needed or by setting a Auto-Lock (Settings> Display & Brightness> Auto Lock) of the screen within minutes.
- Don't leave the brightness on for too long: making sure that the screen brightness adjustment is set to Auto (Settings> General> Accessibility> Screen Adjustment).
These are small tricks that would allow the display to last longer and avoid the burn-in problem. If you have others, please report them in the comments!