If you're stuck on a Legendary Bugsnax, want to know what character quests to complete to reach them, or just want to check out those giant bugs, keep browsing our full guide. For completing all legendary Bugsnax quests, you will earn the " Authoritarian bugs'trophy.

Daddy Cakelegs | Legendary Bugsnax
Finish all Snorpy's missions until you winCake Boss!"Quest and journey to Frosty woodpecker. Light the candle in the cave at the base of the cave to start.
Daddy Cakelegs sprints around the arena - use the Trip Shot to connect to a fire and light the two candles on his head. It can be tricky. The Bugsnax is very fast! Light them both, and the cake will split into little baby Cakelegs - don't forget to snap a pic of these guys.
The little Baby Cakelegs retreat. Follow them to find the new location of the Daddy Cakelegs. He backs up twice. The second time around, it will pull you off the ice and move much faster.

Mama Mewon | Legendary Bugsnax
Finish all Chandlo's missions until you winThrow!"And get to Flavor drops. Follow him to reach Mama Mewon's secret room.
To catch the Mama Mewon, place your trap near one of the stone statues. The Wee Mewons will automatically go to your trap - catch one but don't pick it up! The Mama Mewon will charge and crush the statue, leaving it stunned.
While he is stunned, use the Snakgrappler on the hanging icicle to break the hard shell of the Mama Mewon. Do this three times and the Mama Mewon will go wild! After being hit, Chandlo will distract him - go ahead and hit the above icicle with the grappler to crush him once more.

Mothza Supreme | Legendary Bugsnax
Finish all Cromdo's missions until you winA slice of paradise!"And get to Sizzlin ’Sands. To summon the Snak, follow Cromdo to the pyramid and wait for the giant pizza cutter to appear. Use the grappler on the marked sides of the base to reveal a Bombino.
Take the Bombino and throw it on the cracked spot at the top of the pyramid. Now place your Lunch Pad on the spot to start the battle.
To defeat Mothza, run below where he spawns - the Bombinos will spawn. When you are under Mothza, tornadoes will appear - lure the Bombinos into the tornadoes to put out the fire, then throw the bombs on your Lunch Pad. Throw them at the boss () and knock out the sky creature.
While he's stunned, go ahead and use the grappling hook on the pizza cutter statue. Cut it three times to end the battle.

Megamaki | Legendary Bugsnax
Finish all Wiggle's missions until you winDance with the dragon!"And get to Boiling berry. Wiggle's song will bring the legendary Bugsnak out of its hiding place!
The huge sushi monster is made up of many different segments. To complete the first phase, use the Trip Shot to thread a wire between the tall poles that appear. Place a wire to trip him up, then grab as many Minimaki as you can before he recovers.
Don't get too close! The Megamaki will fire a projectile as it moves, which will break the metal poles you need to complete the boss. If too many are destroyed you will not be able to win and you will have to reset from the last checkpoint.
The second phase is much more delicate. The Megamaki flies through the skies - scan it and look for hollows in its path. Place the Trip Shot and aim very high on the poles so that your wire is high enough to cross the giant monster. Do this and take each of the Minimaki. When you get them, all the bosses will be stunned.