There is a powerful price tag attached to this particular sartorial event and it is one that Resident Evil fans will find it hard to resist. The ultimate reward at the end of the event is the Nemesis Mask, giving players the spooky look of the T-type BOW from Resident Evil 3. And we'll show you how to get it.
How to unlock the Nemesis mask
Unlike previous clothing events, unlocking 100% of the available outfits attached to the event will not result in a mask reward. The mask, which is modeled after Nemesis, requires the collection of any items integrated into Resident Evil clothing caches.
In order to unlock the Nemesis Mask, players will first need to acquire the following:
- Umbrella Corporation operator helmet
- Umbrella corporate work pants
- Corporate weapon skin
- Scratch Pad Weapon Skin
- Chemise Operative Umbrella Corporation
- Crimson weapon skin
- Decorating weapon skin
- Dapper weapon skin
- Umbrella Corporation weapon skin
- Jill Valentine S.T.A.R.S. bottes
- Jill Valentine STARS pants
- Chris redfield STARS chemise
- Chris Redfield STARS un pantalon
- Jill Valentine STARS beret
- Chris Redfield S.T.A.R.S. bottes
- Jill Valentine STARS shirt
- Rebecca Chambers S.T.A.R.S. chemise
- Claire Redfield Jacket
- Rebecca Chambers STARS un pantalon
- Leon Kennedy's jacket
- Rebecca Chambers S.T.A.R.S. démarrage
The listed weapon outfits and skins are obtained via Event Keys, which are secured by two different methods. You can read the guide to unlocking all Resident Evil outfits here.
Once all 21 items are secure, your agent will be the proud (and terrifying) owner of the Nemesis Mask. Don't wait too long, however. The Codename: Nightmare event stops handing out Resident Evil event keys on February 15, with the crossover closing on February 22.