Borderlands 3 is, at its heart, a gun game. Of course there are characters and stories, missions and stuff, but a lot of us are here for guns. And if there is one area in Borderlands 3, I really appreciate the variety of weapons. Rocket launchers that fire sawblades, legged guns, beam weapons that deal variable elemental damage, you have a choice But you want to carry as many as possible, so how do you get the fourth weapon slot ?
Borderlands 3 - How to unlock the fourth weapon slot
Just like the third weapon slot, all you can do to unlock the fourth weapon slot is continue playing. It will unlock when you reach level 20. Do story missions, side missions, collect collectibles and kill bad guys, they will all give you a good dose of experience which will help you reach level 20. Once you do, the fourth will unlock and you'll be able to put four weapons in your loadout, allowing you to cover just about any damage type and contingency.
At level 10 you get the third slot, but level 10 comes into the game quite quickly as the progression starts to slow down as you approach 20, which feels like it takes a long time to get more gun slots. Fortunately, all you have to do is power up some levels and you'll have that extra spot in no time.
While you're waiting for fourth place, you can visit Marcus on the shrine and pick up some extra ammo capacity, if you're short on space. You can also get more bag space, more storage space, and more room for grenades, which will increase your ability to earn money and kill items.