Bad reception is primarily designed to let you explore droughts, but it's worth doing early in the game, as every great experience helps. Claptrap will ask you to search for a new antenna for him, and he wants to choose from several options.
Borderlands 3 - Bad Reception Guide de la mission.
Following the marker for the wire shed, you will place a metal plate on the floor. To cross it, all you have to do is climb the slope to the board it overlooks, then crouch down to collapse and break through. Go down and you will find the Wire Hangar.
The spork
Follow the waypoint to a cave with a lot of electricity on the ground. In the back you will see a small target. Shoot it to cut the electricity, then take the spork.
The antenna
The antenna is easy to obtain. Just go to the waypoint, go up the tower and smash the radar, then grab the antenna from the wreckage.
The umbrella
It is the most difficult to obtain. Follow the waypoint to a small hut with a door that continues to close. Inside the gate is a turret and behind the turret is a badass tink. Take out the turret to give yourself some space, then slide under the door (crouch while running) to slide underneath. Get rid of the tink quickly, as it's strong enough and you don't want to get stuck for too long fighting it.
The aluminum foil hat
It's a little tricky, but not difficult. There is a psychopath with a problem, because people keep sending thoughts to him. He wants you to break three radars. We're on the roof of the cabin next to him. From there you can see the next small speed camera right in front of the very large speed camera. The third is the most delicate, on the right, on a small rocky outcrop.
After that, just go back and kill the psychopath and take his hat. Return to Claptrap with the whole antenna and you will choose the one it carries, ending the mission.