The Easter egg isn't that elaborate this time around. Instead of bringing mannequins to life, it turns the map into a neon green nightmare with an 80s synth beat. The trick is simple: just shoot all of the mannequin heads as quickly as possible. It's not as easy as it sounds.
Die Maschine Guide to Easter Eggs | How to complete each step | How To Unlock Pack-A-Punch & Upgrade Pistols | Die Maschine Guide | How To Get The Shockwave Wonder Weapon DIE | Die Maschine Guide | How to Upgrade to the 4 Variants of Wonder Weapons | Guide of Die Maschine
Nuketown Easter Egg 89
To experience the Easter Egg in the abandoned '80s version of Nuketown, you must shoot all the mannequin heads in less than 1h30 (one minute, thirty seconds) - which is delicate, because the mannequins appear in random places every time you reset the card.
There is no easy way to do this. You'll just have to keep trying and get lucky - be sure to check out all the corners where models can appear. Most of them always appear in the same place, but not all of them. It just takes a little luck and a lot of practice.
Want to see the filter? Watch the video below for more details on this wild little Easter egg.
Die Maschine Guide to Easter Eggs | How to complete each step | How To Unlock Pack-A-Punch & Upgrade Pistols | Die Maschine Guide | How To Get The Shockwave Wonder Weapon DIE | Die Maschine Guide | How to Upgrade to the 4 Variants of Wonder Weapons | Guide of Die Maschine