Android it's a nice operating system, but underneath our favorite green robot there are a lot of operations that we can't always control. Fortunately, there are a lot of Apps that can just fit the brush on our purposes! Here is a large list ...
Are you curious to see how much space a particular resource or application takes up? With DiskUsage you can do it very easily, being able to quickly make you understand what takes up the most space and if it is worth deleting it.
[appbox googleplay com.google.android.diskusage]
This App will never stop being recommended in any preference around the globe. Why? Greenify allows you to put individual Apps in Hibernation, thus keeping them open but at the same time deactivating most of the functions so as not to consume battery, CPU and RAM. It is an inevitable tool, and the Donate version can also disable System Apps.
[appbox googleplay com.oasisfeng.greenify]
SD Maid
Maybe for some there is no need to clean the phone… but SD Maid is completely different. It recently ousted Clean Master from the podium by presenting better functions and smooth and discreet functionality. Perfect for managing the internal and external memory of our Smartphone.
[appbox googleplay eu.thedarken.sdm]
Stay Alive
If it bothers you to always have the screen turn off by itself, try Stay Alive. In fact, the App allows us to manage the lighting of our Display as we wish, even keeping it always on for only some Apps.
[appbox googleplay com.synetics.stay.alive]
If you like to automate everything without actually tweaking Android, Tasker is definitely for you. In fact, you can adjust functions to start them at a certain time (For example: disable Wifi from 8 to 20) or even activate Apps when receiving messages or reaching a particular place via GPS (the latter a little more complicated to set). Ultimately a great program for geeks.
[appbox googleplay net.dinglisch.android.taskerm]