BattleRise: Kingdom of Champions is recently in its alpha phase, as Triumph Games and Triumph Workshops celebrate their triumph by revealing details of their upcoming match. This fantastic collectible role-playing game would combine a unique loot drop system never seen before in games with engaging and immersive turn-based strategy battles, all in a hero collector genre base. It also adds a compelling story, and at this alpha stage we can save it and try it out to see what they mean.
The trailer shows off the basic setup of the game and teases the overall story, while the game seems to be hiding a lot more than you see at first glance. Players start with a small group of champions, as is tradition with hero collectors, and we grow from there. Some of the heroes we know so far include Seraphim, Hollow Death Lords, Sylvan Verdant Offspring, but there are plenty of other factions and heroes to play with. We organize our team and meet the enemy head-on in a turn-based combat system, so far so good.
However, it looks like BattleRise: Kingdom of Champions is getting its first victory in game form with its complex strategy system, both on and off the battlefield. This level of detail and the amount of factors are rarely seen and it all comes in the form of a complete and well-sorted visual presentation. Champion rosters, comps, stats, skills, powers, boosters, and more are intricately organized to provide the fun that fans of this genre are looking for.
In addition, the game stands out for its loot collection system, which rewards every action and every minute spent by the player. So even the failure of a battle can yield a reward, while grasping the mechanics of the game, managing your team properly and winning battles, you get rich loot, not to mention it's an incredibly rewarding experience. in itself.
BattleRise Alpha mobile game takes inspiration from classic fantasy themes we all love and features a compelling story for the single player campaign. The end of the game, of course, flourishes thanks to its multiplayer features, such as the Arena, which provide an endless journey to outsmart your foe and become a better, more cunning, and formidable force. The game also comes with standard features like quests, challenges, dungeon races, and more. - all currently available in its alpha versions on iOS and Android, offered by Polish studio Triumph Workshops, which was previously Sodigital, with over 15 years of professional experience.