As in all previous chapters in the series, Assassin's Creed: Odyssey will have many, many collectables to find. Among them, the most difficult are undoubtedly Ainigmata Ostraka. These are stone tablets with inscriptions, which will contain a riddle about a treasure to be found. By solving the riddle contained in the first inscription, you will arrive at a new puzzle that will bring you even closer to the final reward.
Needless to say, if you want to get your hands on the most powerful weapons and armor in this new Assassin's Creed, you'll need to find all the Ainigmata Ostraka and solve their riddles. In this guide, we will tell you the exact location of all the stone tablets in question and, of course, how to solve the riddles.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - how and where to find Ainigmata Ostraka
Let's start by saying that finding the Ainigmata Ostraka will not be difficult at all. In fact, all you need to do is find a synchronization point and press the button to do it to see a whole series of points of interest appear on the game map. However, unlike previous incarnations of the franchise, in this case we'll never know what those points of interest are until we get close enough. We won't have so many different markers depending on the point of interest found, but only so many question marks; it's up to us to explore the game map and find the stone slabs in question. Fortunately, this activity will not take you long.
However, solving riddles is a whole other ball game. On some occasions, in fact, the clues will be all too clear, even indicating where you will have to go; in other situations, however, you will be given very vague indications, and you will have to fend for yourself, relying solely and exclusively on your deductive skills. The Ainigmata Ostraka present in Assassin's Creed: Odyssey are more than 20 and, below, we will list the position of each of them, dividing them by zones, as well as the ways to solve puzzles.
We remind our readers that the guide in question is constantly being updated. Precisely for this reason, we advise you to come back and visit us again, so that you don't miss an update.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - All the Ainigmata Ostraka present in Kefalonia
On the island of Kefalonia you will find three Ainigmata Ostraka.
#1 Bottomless Lake
WHERE: The first puzzle will begin with the search for a tombstone in the cave of Melissani, located north of the main island of Kefalonia. In the underground lake inside the cave you will find the stone tablet.
ENIGMA: Taking the plunge? Everyone on the island thinks this is the deepest dive, but there is a lake in the Coast of Koliadai that is rumored to be bottomless. If you are able to dive as far as the woman in marble, you will be able to claim me.
SOLUTION: If you open the map, you will notice that there is only one lake on the whole island, so this is the easy part of the riddle. Once you get there, climb the cliff on the southwest side of the lake. You should find, on your left, a marble column sticking out of the water. Jump into the water and keep diving until you see a marble statue of a woman on your left. Interact with it and complete the puzzle.
FILL: +10% critical damage when the protagonist has a full health bar.
#2 Enigma: Ashes to Ashes
WHERE: the next stone tablet is hidden in Marko's vineyard on the slopes of Mount Ainos in Kefalonia, not far from the center of the island.
ENIGMA: When times are bad, it can be easy to turn away from the gods. Go to the burned temple in Kausos Village, in teh Cursed Valley of Pali. I can be found in a pile of burning ashes, where a worshipping man left his post to being his new life as a pirate.
SOLUTION: Once you have obtained the stone tablet, go to the burnt-out village of Kausos. You will find it along the coast, southeast of the Marko vineyard. Once there, you should locate the temple north of the village. Approach it and enter from the north side. You will notice a pile of smoking rubble in the middle of the room. Interact with it and you'll get what you were looking for.
FILL: +3% adrenaline with every shot you take.
#3 Enigma: Fatal Attraction
WHERE: This last tablet can be found in Ithaca, the smallest of the islands in the Kefalonia area, near the ruins of Ulysses' palace in the south of the island.
ENIGMA: If you retrace the steps of Odysseus and take the path North, you will find a goat farm in Ithaka where he once met Athena. She helped him with a disguise to reclaim his wife and kill her suitors. Find your reward on a slaughtered goat.
SOLUTION: The place where you will have to go is also located on the island of Ithaca, more precisely in the northern part of the island. If you follow the road from the palace, you will come across the Melathios' Goat Farm at some point. Coming from the south, approach the first building on the right. There should be a goat carcass in front of it, lying on a stone. Interact with the corpse and complete the puzzle.
REFUND: +2% of Damage inflicted by swords and daggers.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - Solution to the Ainigmata Ostraka present at Megaris
#4 Puzzle: Hound Docked
WHERE: The tablet is hidden in the farm of Tripodiskos, in the middle of the Megaris region.
ENIGMA: When all ships look the same, it's hard to remember where you docked. Go to the shores in the Occupied Forest of Tripodiskos and look for a moored ship guarded by a dog. Find me where X marks the spot.
SOLUTION: To find the treasure, go down to the beach and look for the ships that have been dragged ashore. You will find one that is guarded by a dog, more precisely, it is the second from the north side. If you get on the deck of this vessel, you will notice a labrador sitting there quietly minding his own business. Behind him, you may notice a tarp lying on the floor. As you approach it, you will see two crossed bones. This is the X that the stone tablet was referring to: just interact with it and you'll get your new engraving to work on.
FILL: +2% chance of Critical when the health bar is at its maximum.
#5 Enigma: Sunshine Record
WHERE: the second tablet is hidden in Megara, the largest settlement in the area of Megaris. Look for it west of the Temple of Apollo, on the roof of the Leader's House.
An unusual request came to delete some records. I didn't want any trouble so I took a small journey west to Mount Geraneia. Take a dive in the center of the bay and find them on the shelf in a sunken ruin.
SOLUTION: After grabbing the stone tablet, head west along the peninsula. Once you reach the suggested location, you will see a large lake near the beach. Jump in the water and swim to the floating amphorae. Dive in and you will see a shelf at the bottom of the lake: interact with it and you will receive the reward. As you will have understood, this is undoubtedly one of the simplest puzzles in the whole game; solving it will be child's play.
RECEPTION: +2% of Damage inflicted by spears and sticks.
#6 Happy Hour
WHERE: The last Ainigmata Ostraka tablet in the Megaris region is hidden in the area east of the Occupied Forest of Tripodiskos, in the Battle Cave. Go inside and dive into the water. At the bottom of the pool, look for an underwater tunnel. Follow it and you will end up in a cave; take the path on the left at the fork and, once you reach the wooden platform in the chamber, climb up to it and you will find the stone tablet on the right.
ENIGMA: It's dangerous outside, so I'm waiting out the war. The only time I go outside this cave is to replenish my cup. Once I leave, I travel northwest from the battelfield in the Occupied Forest of Tripodisks. Find me at the altar of offerings at the feet of the wine god himself.
SOLUTION: The battlefield mentioned in the clue at your disposal is the Megaris Battlefield, which is located right next to the cave. From there, head northwest to the slopes of the Kitharion and you will come across the Column of Dionysus, a sanctuary dedicated to the god of wine. The treasure will be in the bowl of grapes right in front of the statue.
FIRE RENEWAL: +1 seconds duration to fires.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - Ainigmata Ostraka Guide to Fokida
#7 Pressed for time
WHERE: The first tablet we came across was in Fokida, in the place where the monument of Prometheus and the birth of humanity is located. You will see a couple of tents next to the monuments, and a pile of stone bricks. The tablet will be on the ground.
ENIGMA: If you slip beside the Leader's house in Pilgrim's Landing, you can find me in a large bowl of olives.
SOLUTION: As soon as you get the stone tablet with the clue, go south of Pilgrim's Landing. The chief's house will be at the eastern end of the town. You won't be able to avoid noticing it, it's a big and luxurious house. Go inside or go around it, and look for a clearing with lots of olives picked in various containers, as well as tarpaulins lying on the ground. One of the containers you will find there is shallow and wide, made of bright brown clay. You'll have to interact with this container to complete the puzzle and get the reward.
FILL: +2% Elemental Resistance.
#8 A Specific General
WHERE: The tablet is hidden east of Phocis, at the Sanctuary of Athena Pronaia. In the main temple, east of the place in question, you will find the Ainigmata Ostraka next to the bronze statue of Athena, goddess of wisdom.
ENIGMA: With so much to see in Delphi, it may be hard to find me. I'm sitting at the plinth of the only bronze statue holding a spear and sword. This great general is among seven of his peers.
SOLUTION: After grasping the stone tablet, head northwest until you reach the Sanctuary of Delphi. Once there, you will find dozens of statues around the city, but don't be discouraged: the clue, in fact, has given you very clear instructions. The statue you are looking for is surrounded by six other statues, and represents a man holding both a spear and a sword. It is practically a unique statue among those you will find, so you can't get confused. You will find it in the southeastern part of the city, in a semi-circular area called the Monument of the Epigons. It is the second statue from the left. The treasure will be in the basket of petals in front of the statue.
ENIGMA: +1 seconds of Intoxication status.
#9 Enigma: Finger Tip
WHERE: what we are about to describe to you is one of the most difficult to solve Ainigmata Ostraka. You'll find the tablet you're looking for at Desphina Fort, in the northwest corner of the Hill of Sacred War area in Fokida. Go west of the fort and when you find a statue of a man wrapped in a golden snake, look for an altar right next to it.
ENIGMA: In the Valley of the Snake lies a giant half buried. From where his mossy finger points, head North to the peak where I can be found.
SOLUTION: The first half of this puzzle is pretty easy to solve. Snake Valley is the area immediately northeast of Hill of Sacred War. If you travel northeast from Desphina Fortress in the Valley of the Serpent, you will encounter the synchronization point called Satyr's Respire. However, while discovering the map to the east, you'll notice the half-buried giant on the map quite easily, especially if you zoom in. It is, basically, a huge statue of a man whose entrails are eaten by vultures (presumably Prometheus). The place where it is located is called Tomb of Tityos.
Now, the hard part's coming up. "From where his moss is pointing, head north to the top where I can be found." Basically, from where the statue is, you have to head north, so don't follow the direction indicated by his fingers. Go north and start climbing the cliffs nearby.
The only problem with this riddle is that the solution is not even found in the area of the Snake Valley, but it is much further north, in the region of the Great Mount Parnassus. You'll have to climb to the top of one of the mountain peaks which, unfortunately, don't have a real name; luckily, you won't have any difficulty locating them, as you'll just have to continue, basically, in a straight line to the North. Just watch out for wolves and bears that are likely to attack you up there.
FILL: +2% Damage inflicted by heavy weapons.
#10 Enigma: Red Scent
WHERE: This stone tablet is located in the Cape House in the Locride area, more specifically in the northeast corner of Red Lake Bay. You will find it on the ground, next to a table on the pier at the back of the house.
What makes the Red Lake red? Take a dive and search for a hidden cave. You'll find out if you grab the bull by its horns.
SOLUTION: Head towards Red Lake Bay, dive into the natural pool that you will find by looking at the game map, dive and you will find your reward on the right, on the floor of the underwater tunnel.
FILL: 12% damage with Adrenaline skills.
#11 Enigma: Heart and Sun
WHERE: In the southwest area of Pandora's Cove, look for the village of Lamia. There you will find the stone tablet you need inside Phyllidos' house.
ENIGMA: Gone fishing! Needed some time away from camp. Find me a the tip of a fishing spear on the island in Pandora's Cove.
SOLUTION: Head towards the island located in the middle of Pandora's Cove, and you will find a seat and a fire on the south coast of the island. Interact with the tip of the spear to get your reward.
FILL: + 40% chance of Critical Strike when the health bar is low.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - All Ainigmata Ostraka in Attica
#12 Enigma: Elbow Greece
WHERE: Just northwest of Athens, in the Besieged Plains, you will find the Altar of Love. On the west side of the temple, you will come across an altar covered with flowers. The Anigmata tablet is next to it.
Ready for a long hike? At the top of this mountain, you can see the entirety of Greece! Follow the road west to the Statue of Prometheus, then your long journey north begins. Find me at the peak in Oropos Heights.
SOLUTION: The statue of Prometheus mentioned in the suggestion is visible from the altar where you found the stone tablet. Head towards the statue in question, then go north across the border, thus reaching the Viotia region. The new tablet will be located in a camp on the highest peak of Oropos Heights, in the area to the southwest of the area, near the road that connects you to Attika. The tablet will be rather prominent, wrapped in a cloth near the apple.
FIRE RENEWAL: +2 seconds fire duration.
#13 Enigma: Killer View
WHERE: The tablet in question is hidden in the marble quarry of Mount Pentelikon in Attika, northeast of the Greater Athens area. The ostraka can be found near marble blocks in the central part of the quarry.
ENIGMA: Trying to get the best view of the Akropolis? Some think it's better from the temple of Hephaistos, but if you head south from there, you can find me at an altar of offerings between two columns framing the view perfectly.
SOLUTION: The clue contained within this ainigmata ostraka will be quite direct, like many of its "predecessors". The temple of Hephaestus is located southwest of the Scarred Mountains of Pentelikos, in the area of Greater Athens. And, yes, the location of the treasure mentioned in this stone tablet is south of the temple now mentioned. What the clue forgets to mention is that it is located at the top of the Areophagus, a point of interest in the central-eastern part of the region. It is one of the highest points in the area and has two tall, thin pillars at the top. Between the two pillars you will see an altar full of grapes. Here is where the secret treasure of this ainigmata ostraka is located, come closer, interact with them and you will find the solution you were looking for.
FILLED UP: +4% Damage inflicted by spears and sticks.
#14 Enigma: Goat's Gruff
WHERE: In the area northeast of Attika you will find Campo Dekelia, in the region of abandoned farmland, near the lake. The tablet you are looking for is hidden in the building that looks like a barracks.
ENIGMA: Take the road going northeast toward Marathon Beach. Look for a small path lined with mysterious stone figures. Some say they were once goats turned into stone! The one with blood on its face is where you can find me.
SOLUTION: The clue inside this Ainigmata Ostraka will describe, more or less exactly, what you have to do. Get on your horse and gallop northeast, in the area of the Marathon Beach. The place you are looking for is a cave, called Caverna di Pan, and you will find it in the southeast area of this area.
You will not fail to recognize that you have arrived at your destination due to a rather disturbing scene. The area has several statues of goats and people impaled on wooden spikes. Near the entrance to the cave, and to the right, you will see the goat with blood on its face. It stands out from all the others in the area. Now, all you have to do is climb over the goat's bloody head and complete the sequence of buttons that will appear on the screen. Do this and you will also have completed this puzzle.
FILL: +4% Damage inflicted by heavy weapons.
#15 Enigma: Backstage Pass
WHERE: To find this tablet, head south of Athens, near the Acropolis, where you will find a textile shop. The tablet in question will be on the floor, near the entrance.
ENIGMA: Head to the theater in Athens. With the right connections, I always get or watch the play from backstage. Find me on an actor's mask.
SOLUTION: To get your incision, you will have to go to the Theatre of Dionysus. It is located on the south side of the Acropolis, practically next to the cliff. Stand in front of the stage and you will see a small back door. Go through it, go down the stairs and turn around as soon as you can. Not as soon as you've done all this, you'll see a mask on the left side, resting on a pile of clothes. Interact with the mask and you will receive your reward. This will be a unique engraving that you can use to enhance your armor or weapons.
FILL: +6% adrenaline for every hit you make.
#16 Enigma: War Eagle
WHERE: You will find the stone tablet on the island of Salamis, which is located in the region of Attica, west of the city of Athens. The object in question is hidden inside a tent near the cliffs adjacent to the Marble Quarry on the island.
ENIGMA: Here on the Isle of Salamis, a great warrior's legacy is remembered. Take the road south and look for a ruined sanctuary. I can be found in its vicinity on a statue of an eagle.
SOLUTION: To reach your reward, you will need to head south from the quarry. Follow the road until you reach the ruins of the Ajace Sanctuary. Once you reach your destination, you will find some enemies waiting for you, but you can safely ignore them if you do not wish to fight with them. Move a little further south and you will see a stone statue of an eagle in the middle of nowhere. The engraving will be hidden right on the head of the statue. Interact with it and your search will be over.
FILL: +3 seconds of Burn status duration.
#17 Enigma: Odor in the Court
WHERE: This time you have to look for the stone tablet on the wreck of Ariabignes. It is a ship that sank off the coast of Attika. However, finding the wreck in question will not be easy and immediate. Search the area between the port of Piraeus and the island of Salamina. Swim until you come across some wreck, then dive. You should be able to locate the ship below you; the tablet you are looking for will be on the main deck of the sunken ship.
ENIGMA: The Seaman's Judicial Court in the Port of Piraeus is the place where disputes on the open water are settled. There is something fishy going on among the mess of records, and that is where you will find me.
SOLUTION: Once you have recovered the stone tablet, go to the southwestern area of the Port of Piraeus. On the western docks, you will find a building decorated with a small market right in front of it. Enter the room further to the right and look between the shelves on the wall; you will notice a plate full of seafood. Interact with it and you will receive your reward: another engraving for your weapons and/or armour.
FILL: +4% chance of Critical Strike when the Health bar is full.
#18 Enigma: Pigsty
WHERE: At the coast south of Mount Helikon, you will find the Kreusis military camp. In a blue tent, located on the right side of the entrance, you will find the stone tablet.
Sometimes soldiers can be pigs! Actually, if you follow the road going east out of Kreusis Port, there lie pits full of bloody pigs. You can find me on an altar where a sacrificial pig is being prepared.
SOLUTION: Continue along the eastern road leading from the port of Kreusis and follow the detour to the east. However, the altar on which you will find the sacrificed pig you need will be located off the beaten track, right on the eastern edge of Mount Helikon. Go there and claim your reward.
Reward: +10% to Damage inflicted with Heavy Weapons.
#19 Enigma: Fire in the Belly
WHERE: This stone tablet can be found in the Askre Tower, located in eastern Reborn Hills. You will find it on the top floor of the tower, near a trunk.
ENIGMA: Travel west toward a large burned temple in the Mount Helikon region. You'll find me inside, at the source of the fire!
SOLUTION: The solution to this puzzle will be found in the temple of Athena Itonia, located north of Mount Helikon. Once there, in the middle of the ruins of the temple, you will find a lamp: interact with it to unlock your reward.
FILL: +4 seconds of poisoned status duration.
#20 Enigma: Stadium Love
WHERE: In Thebes, in the western region of Oedipus' Cursed Land, head to the House of the Cape. At the top of the highest balcony, you will find your usual stone tablet.
ENIGMA: To celebrate their win, champions escort their lovers from the stadium east of Thebes to a bridge overlooking a lake shaped like a heart. You can find me beside a helmet that was left behind.
SOLUTION: To solve this riddle, head for the heart-shaped lake east of Thebes. Once there, you will find a helmet on the bridge beside it, and with it your reward.
FILL: +4% chance of Critical Hit when the health bar is full.
#21 Enigma: Bridging the Gap
WHERE: North of the Cursed Lands of Oedipus, you will find an area called Bandit Raid. On the floor, near a tent, you will find the ostraka you need.
ENIGMA: How much wood does it take to get to the other side? Head east to the coast of the Cursed Land of Oedipus. Where a bridge is being built to Euboea. I will be waiting at the last plank.
SOLUTION: In that case, solving the riddle in question will be a real piece of cake. In fact, all you need to do is head towards the east coast of the Cursed Lands of Oedipus and look for the piece of land that stretches further away, towards Evia. The point that you will need to identify is at the end of the axes of a bridge, where you will find the coveted reward.
FURTHER: +5 seconds duration to Burn status.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - All Ainigmata Ostraka in Forest Island
#22 Enigma: Helio's Greeting
WHERE: This ostraka will be located in the House Leader of Anfipoli, which is the northwestern region of the area called "Roots of an Empire". The stone tablet is inside the house. Go through the front door, take the door on your right, turn left and you will find the tablet on a table on your left.
ENIGMA: I lie within the shadows beneath Makedonia's lake, wading in her shallows, awaiting light's first break. When Helios beams through the arch in greeting, I am revealed and meet him, be it ever so fleeting.
SOLUTION: Head towards the lake west of the large stone arch in the unexplored region of Mount Pangeon. The area you are looking for is located south of the shore in the shallows, it will not be difficult to identify. Find it and you will get your reward.
FILLED UP: +8% to elemental resistance.
#23 Enigma: Hungry for Misadventure
WHERE: This stone tablet can be found in the highest structure of the Old Stronghold in the central region of Sky Fall Lakes. It is in the corner of a room next to a guard.
Behind the Ancient Stronghold lives an eternal king. His gaze is glazed and his bones are stones, and the ruins in the south he calls home. I made the mistake of raiding his bed, and now I lie with the dead instead.
SOLUTION: Head towards the ruins of Poliochini, in the southern region of Sky Fall Lakes. Look for a destroyed statue and you will find your reward.
FILL: +16% damage with Adrenaline skills.
#24 Enigma: To the Edge of the World.
WHERE: This ainigmata ostraka can be found at the ruins of Anavatos, which are located west of the Artemis Hunting Reserve. You will find the stone tablet in a structure to the west of the complex, on the floor, behind a chair.
From the Mastic Farm, follow the coast east. Keep going till the land's existence does cease. Tucked away in this cave, I watch sails go by. They left me here, to rest and die.
SOLUTION: To solve this riddle, head to the easternmost point of Affluence Bay and look for a cave in the middle of the rock face. Inside you will find your reward.
FILL: +6% chance of Critical Strike when the Health Bar is full.
#25 Enigma: Dye Dye Dye
WHERE: This stone tablet is located in Erymanthos Peaks, on the west side in a fort called Theichos of Herakles. The ainigmata ostraka will be located south of the fort, on the edge of the building, under a tent.
ENIGMA: Blood and dirt stains are less noticeable on darker fabric! Head east across Erymanthos Peaks to the village of Boura. They specialize in fabric production. Find me in a large vat of red dye.
SOLUTION: Head towards the village of Boura, located east of the Watchtower in the region of Erymanthos Peaks. The place you are looking for is located in the middle of some poisoned status alteration vessels.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - All Ainigmata Ostraka in Paradis Islands
#26 Enigma: Blue Eyed Beauty
WHERE: You will have to go just south of the region of Attika: you will find the stone tablet in the house of Ezio, south of the Cradle of Myths, on the island of Pirates.
ENIGMA: In the Cradle of Myths, where the lagoon is blue, seek a hole set in stone so I may see you. When the sun blazes brightest, the fog will lift, and the Eye will open to behold your gift.
SOLUTION: After obtaining the stone tablet, head northeast, towards the lagoon. Jump in the water and swim under the stone arch, located in the northeast corner. If you come to the area during the day, you can see the treasure when you dive underwater, looking towards the center of the lagoon. Your reward will be in a wooden barrel in the sand. Interact with it, and you will get a new engraving to use on your equipment.
FILL: +2% chance of Critical Strike when your Health is low.
#27 Enigma: Smoke Signal
WHERE: This stone tablet can be found in the small Leader's House on the island of Keos. You will find the house on the east side of Lion Hill. What you are looking for is on the ground floor of the house, simply go to the back entrance to find it.
ENIGMA: Smoke is rising in Pirate's Revenge. Find me at the source!
SOLUTION: Go to the Pirate's Revenge area and look for the ruined neighborhood that was set on fire. The area you need to find is a large pyre surrounded by charred bodies. It will be right in the middle of the street in front of the burnt area, between the blacksmith and the area where you can recall your ship.
FULCRUM: +4% Elemental Resistance.
#28 Enigma: Pride of Place
WHERE: This ostraka can be found in the Cave of Lamentation. This is an underwater area, located off the coast of Lestris. Look for the wreck of the vessel on the southern shore of the island, then dive in to find the wreck in question. Enter the cave and swim through it to find the stone tablet.
ENIGMA: If you sail back to the island of Keos, search for the marble Lion's brother. He stands proud on the peninsula at Apollo's Refuge, You can find me on his back.
SOLUTION: The marble lion you are looking for is not as big, or as obvious as the "brother" who is named inside the egnima. To find him, head to Apollo's Refuge and look for the small tail of a peninsula pointing south: the lion will be right on his tip. Now you can get your reward.
RECOMMENDED: +2 seconds to duration of poisoned status alteration.
#29 Enigma: Stone Cold
WHERE: To find this stone tablet, head to the region of Corinth, Corinth, and look for the Holy Cave at the foot of the Temple of Apollo. There will be a bandit inside; kill him and take the stone tablet next to a rope.
ENIGMA: Travel southwest of Korinth in the Valley of Judgement to find a beautiful monster. You can find me on the tip of her tongue. Just be careful not to get swallowed by her gaze.
SOLUTION: Head towards the Valley of Judgement and look for a giant dead tree in front of the Ruins of the Sanctuary of Kephisos. You will see a huge jellyfish head just below the structure. Approach the tip of its tongue to get your reward.
FILL: +20% Critical Damage when the Health bar is full.
#30 Enigma: Summer Envy
WHERE: The stone tablet in question can be found on the roof of the Leader's House, located west of Tavern Point in Mykonos.
ENIGMA: Go to the largest and most lavish house in Mykonos City. I am located on a table in a bath filled with red flower petals. Such a great view of the sea.
SOLUTION: Finding the place in question, this time, will be a little more complex. The largest building in the area will be in the far south of Mykonos city: look for it, find it and explore the south side of the house until you find a bathroom with swimming pools. In this room you will find a table with a bowl on it: interact with it and you will get your reward.
FILL: +20% Critical Damage when the Health bar is low.
#31 Enigma: Marble Moral
WHERE: This stone tablet is located in the Porphyrion cave, which is located on the eastern side of Tavern Point in Mykonos. Fortunately, there will be no enemies in this area. All you have to do is follow the path and then turn left once you reach the main gate inside. The tablet you are looking for will be on the second level of this chamber you have just found.
ENIGMA: Search for the Marble Quarry in Tavern Point. I was thrown down a pit along with the many bodies of exhausted slaves.
SOLUTION: This reward can be found in the Suenites quarry south of Tavern Point. This area is full of enemies, but you can safely ignore them all while looking for a square hole in the center of the quarry. Use Ikaros, your eagle, and you will see a pit overhanging the sea, full of corpses. Interact with the skeleton to receive your reward.
FILL: +3 seconds duration to alter Poisoned Status.
#32 Puzzle: Needle in a Haystack
WHERE: This ostraka is located underwater, towards the southwest coast of Kynthos Hill, in Deli. In this area you will find a rather small island, and the submerged wreck of Datis can be found here. Dive in and you will find the stone tablet on top of the submerged hull.
ENIGMA: There's an occupied farm on the eastern coast of Kynthos Hills. I can be found buried beneath a large pile of hay.
SOLUTION: Head to the east coast of the Kynthos Hills and you will find Elais' farm. Currently, the area is under the control of your enemies, but you will notice the large egg-shaped haystack in the middle of the area. You only need to interact with it to get your reward.
FILL: +4% Damage inflicted by swords and daggers.
#33 Enigma: Grave Discovery
WHERE: This stone tablet will be quite easy to find: just go to the southern border of the Ruins of Kynthos, and you will find it immediately on the floor next to the war supplies and a small altar.
ENIGMA: Within the Birthplace of Apollo, seek the Temple of Delians. There is a secret passageway to an underground tomb behind a bronze statue. Find me in a pile of apples guarded by snakes.
SOLUTION: The clue indicated inside the enigma is very vague and incredibly easy to miss. The "Temple of Delians", mentioned in the riddle, is the name of the largest temple of Apollo in Apollo's birthplace (although the game does not technically use that name while you are exploring the area). Look for a lower level of the temple on the back of the bronze statue.
#34 Enigma: Procrastinate Now
WHERE: This stone tablet is located on the island of Naxos, in the northern region of Ariadne Destiny. The ainigmata ostrake in question is located in the Naxos quarry to the east of this area, and can be found on a high platform behind a guard and some workers.
ENIGMA: It's easy to get distracted by the finer things on this island. With so much work to do to complete the Temple of Apollo, it seems it will never be finished. Find me on the temple's Portara. It's the only thing erected so far.
SOLUTION: You will have to head towards the Portara, which is a huge square arch located northwest of Ariadne's Destiny. You will find the arch at the extreme tip of the peninsula to the north of this area. Climb to the top and get your prize.
FILL: +30% Critical Damage when the Health Bar is full.
#35 Enigma: Stubborn Mule
WHERE: This stone tablet is located in the Cave of Mount Zas, an area with three different access points. Choose your access carefully, as the cave in question will be full of cultists to defeat. Kill all the enemies in the first room, and do the same with the second. The stone tablet will be at the foot of the statue in the second room.
ENIGMA: If you climb to the peak of Mount Zas, you will see two smaller islands to the south. I can only be found on one of the islands in a pile of hay near a friendly donkey. Make a decision - the last traveler starved to death trying to choose between the two.
SOLUTION: There are two unnamed islands south of Mount Zas. The rightmost island will house the donkey mentioned in the riddle and a small pile of hay, on which you will find your reward.
REFUND: +6% of Damage inflicted by Spears and Sticks.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - All Ainigmata Ostraka in the Arid Islands
#36 Enigma: Upon Typhon's Crown
WHERE: This ostraka can be found in the Leader's House in Melos. It is located northwest of Black Crescent, south of the Synchronisation Point. The Ainigmata Ostraka will be placed on a small balcony at the top of the residence.
ENIGMA: Stand atop where leaders dwell and you will see my isle. Typhon's Revenge is where I am - come visit for a while. Scale the mountain forged of fire, for at its peak I sit. But fear the smog and doom and heat, for they will test your grit.
SOLUTION: Go to the Vendetta di Tifone area, a volcanic island very close to the main island of Melos. Watch out for glowing magma and climb to the top of the mountain to find a Spartan helmet. Interacting with it, you will find your reward.
FILLED UP: +6% Damage inflicted by Heavy Weapons.
#37 Enigma: Beneath Theseus' Dream
WHERE: This stone tablet can be found in the pirates' hideout on the southern coast of the Achilles Plains at Skyros. You will find it on a platform under a canopy to the west of the hideout.
ENIGMA: In Boulder Bay atop the highest peak look in the south for what you seek. Under the stone arch where Theseus died, deep in waters is where I reside.
SOLUTION: This riddle is one of the less immediate ones you'll have to solve, because the object you'll have to find is not just under the arch, but further on: in the lake. Head towards Boulder Bay and dive deep, until you find a boat at the bottom of the lake. Interact near it to claim your reward.
FILL: +4% of Damage inflicted by Adrenaline skills.
#38 Enigma: Made in Abyss
WHERE: This stone tablet is located in the Temple of Aphrodite, which will be located south of the region of Aphrodite. The ainigmata ostraka will be placed in a small annexe to the right of the temple. Just go in there and take it.
ENIGMA: South of Skandeia Bay, from the goddess's light I ran. Past the den of teeth and bones, past poor sacrificial lambs. Across the sea on a lonely isle where ships reluctantly rest in peace, I nestled deep in a dark chamber and bade goodnight to Greece.
SOLUTION: Head towards the island south of Skandeia Bay, known as Chytra Atoll. Once there, head towards the cave of Ogylos. Dive and swim through the cave system and you will find a skeleton on a stone platform, along with your reward.
FILL: +30% Critical Damage when the Health bar is low.
#39 Enigma: Till Death Do Us Part
WHERE: You will find this ostraka near the Temple of Poseidon in the region of Octopus Bay. It is in a square pool to the left of the temple. Fortunately, you will not find any soldiers in the area in question, so go in and take the stone tablet.
ENIGMA: Atop Knossos Palace you will see a tree that shoots for the stars. But, like the love that lies at its roots, it'll never get that far. I hide away between bark and bone and curse the promises they made. Set me free at the foot of this tree, where with all their hearts they prayed.
SOLUTION: Go to the Palace of Knossos, the former residence of King Minos, and you will see a tree on a hill south of the palace. At the foot of the tree you will find two skeletons and your reward.
FILL: +8% of Damage inflicted by Adrenaline Skills.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - All Ainigmata Ostraka in the Peloponnese area
#40 Enigma: Turning Tides
WHERE: In the far east of the Kraneion plains, there will be an area called Sea Captain Dock. Look for the stone tablet on some long wooden planks. This area is heavily guarded by enemies, so sneak in and out as fast as you can.
ENIGMA: If the seas are not to your favour, seek out a trident. The biggest one in Korinth, being held by the Statue of Poseidon. You will find me there on one of its prongs.
SOLUTION: Return to Corinth and seek out a great bronze statue of Poseidon. It is located on the northwestern tip of the area you are exploring, overlooking the bay. Climb to the tip of the statue's trident and claim your reward.
FILL: +6% Elemental Resistance.
#41 Enigma: An Arm and a Leg
WHERE: This stone tablet will be in the highest balcony you will find in the Casa del Capo. This building will be located in the middle of the Argos region. Find and grab the ainigmata ostraka to unlock the puzzle.
How much does a temple cost? Head southeast to the Sanctuary of Asklepios. In the temple, you'll find me along the donated limbs.
SOLUTION: Head southeast to the Sanctuary of Asklepios (located in the center of the Valley of Dreams) and enter the temple. Interact with the urn in front of the statue to collect your reward.
FILL: +10% to Critical Damage when the Health Bar is low.
#42 Enigma: Two of Clubs
WHERE: This ostraka will be found in the Bronze Club of Periphetes, which is located in the southeastern region of Hera's Gaze. The stone tablet is on the floor in the middle of the courtyard, halfway between a fire and a carcass.
ENIGMA: There is a club not far from here that rivals this iron beauty. Travel southeast to the edge of the Valley of Dreams. I will be waiting atop the bigger of these two clubs.
SOLUTION: Head for the Club of Herakles, which is located east of the Valley of Dreams. The club is nothing more than the knotty, carved tree you will find in the middle of the field. Climb to the top and interact with its peak to get your reward.
FILL: +4% chance of Critical Hit when the Health bar is low.
#43 Enigma: The Floor is Lava
WHERE: You can collect this stone tablet from within the Acropolis of Epidaurus, located in the region of the Kingdom of Hope or Argolis. It can be found on the eastern side of a small covered area near the main Acropolis.
ENIGMA: Rumours are erupting that a precious relic was sent to be destroyed at the Foundry of Hephaistos. Dive down the throat of the volcano and be mindful of your footing. Some have been scorched trying to recover me.
SOLUTION: Head to the Forge of Hephaistos (located east of the Kingdom of Hope) and climb to the top of the volcano. Use the dead branch (which is also a synchronization point) to make a leap of faith in a pool of water at the bottom of the area. Enter the burning forge and look for a statue half submerged in magma. Interact with it to get your prize.
FILL: +4% Damage inflicted by Heavy Weapons.
#44 Enigma: Showboat
WHERE: This stone tablet will be one of the hardest to find. Head for the Piera Spring south of the Forgotten Marshes. Once there, climb the waterfall and look for a crevice to cross, located on the right. Now swim down, through the tunnel, until you find a large room with a trunk. At this point, turn right, keep going down until you find the ainigmata ostraka right in front of your eyes.
ENIGMA: As a champion, time is your greatest competitor. Go to the Hippodrome and climb up the second column closest to Olympia. Look north towards the peak. There, I will be sitting on the right wing of a Titan, who had to swallow this lesson along with his pride.
SOLUTION: Head towards the statue of Kronos, located on the mountain north of the Hippodrome. The point you will need to identify is on his left wing. Interact with it and claim your prize.
FILL: +40% Critical Damage when the health bar is low.
#45 Enigma: Strange Disease
WHERE: This ostraka can be found in the Temple of Apollo, north of Soron Forest. The stone tablet will be placed right inside the temple, next to a chest.
ENIGMA: It sounds too good to be true... a spring that heals all? Travel east along the border of Psophis Foothills to find a cave that once housed the lonides sisterhood of nymphs. I will be waiting near its entrance on a submerged basin of offerings.
SOLUTION: Head towards the cave of Ioneds, which is located near the southeastern border of Psophis Foothills. You will find the object you are interested in on a table near the water inside the cave. Interact with it and you will get your reward.
FILLED UP: +6% to Damage inflicted by Swords and Daggers.
#46 Enigma: Hobby Horsing
WHERE: This ostraka is located in the Lost Horse of Ulysses, located north of the Artemis Valley. The stone tablet will be found under a wooden canopy.
ENIGMA: What tragic times! Our farm once raised the fastest horses. Go to the racecourse in the Forest of Soron. There you'll find me on a table with small horse toys, the last remaining memories of a great team.
SOLUTION: The solution to this riddle is found near the racecourse in the Forest of Soron, away from the description of the riddle, which places it inside. Actually, it is inside the Arrachion Field. You will find the toy horses on a table under a tent next to the ruins, along with some prisoners. Interact with the toy horses and you will get your reward.
FILLED UP: +8% to Damage inflicted by spears and sticks.
#47 Enigma: Farming Coin
WHERE: This ostraka will be in the Deserted Farm, which is located in the middle of the Golden Fields. The stone tablet is on the roof of the farm.
Oops, I messed with the wrong people. I'll head north to the peak where the Metal Bird overlooks the Golden Fields. Then, down to the sunken ruins beside Stymphalos village. There I'll be waiting with my pile of cabbage.
SOLUTION: From the Stinfalian Bird of Steel, which you'll find practically in the center of the Golden Fields, head northwest to the village. On the roof of one of the sunken ruins, you'll find a pile of cabbage, as well as your reward.
FILL: +6% chance of Critical Strike when the health bar is low.
#48 Enigma: Sweet Tooth
WHERE: The stone tablet to access the enigma in question can be found in the Lagos Field, which is located in the centre of Arcadia, northwest of the Cradle of Pan. The ainigmata ostraka can be found on the highest level of the central structure, next to some provisions that you will have to burn.
Craving something sweet? Once you get to the Temple of Demeter and Kore in Tegea, head southwest to the fields in Pan's Cradle. I'll be stuck to a broken hive that's oozing with honey. Don't get stung!
SOLUTION: Go to the fields in Pan's Cradle and you'll find two piles of objects that look like poles. You will find these piles of collected poles, with a disorderly grouping of them placed in the middle (located west of the small farm in the middle of these fields). Interact with the messy pile and claim your reward.
FILL: +15% of Adrenaline recovered with every hit.
#49 Enigma: Foggy Memory
WHERE: This stone tablet is located in the fort of the Palace of Aphareus, which is located in the south-western region of the Hills of Exile. You will find the ostraka on a ledge at the northern edge of the complex.
ENIGMA: Workers are told if they extract any unusual items from the Mines of the Great Trench, they must report them. But if you pay them enough, they will "forget" their loot on the far side of the lake, under a willow tree in Messene village.
SOLUTION: Go to Messene lake and you will see a willow tree on the opposite side of the village. In front of the tree in question, there will be a box: interact with it and you will get your prize.
FILL: +8% Damage inflicted by Swords and Daggers.
#50 Enigma: Procession of Bones
WHERE: In the Temple of Apollo Korythos, located in the northwest corner of Aipeia (in the Aristomene Valley region), you will find the stone tablet inside, on the left side of the ruined structure.
ENIGMA: They keep piling up in the city, so the dead are taken east toward the bridge that splits into three directions. Then north, to where a winding road leads to a small camp. They are to be dumped in a pit along with the other waste. You can find me down there, like cold feet poking out from under a blanket.
SOLUTION: The bridge in question is next to the Makaria checkpoint, not far from Aipeia. The pit full of dead people is to the north, up in the hills, outside Keadas Cave. Jump into the mass grave to claim your reward.
FILL: +9% adrenaline for every shot scored.
#51 Enigma: Tastes Like Chicken
WHERE: You'll find this stone tablet inside the Cave of Terror Gorge, located east of the Great Pit Mines. Kill the four cultists you will find inside, and then collect the ostraka, which can be found in front of one of the cages with the prisoners inside.
ENIGMA: Chicken craving? I hear they keep a hidden coop at the temple north of Messene, overlooking the mine. You will find me there in a bag of feed.
SOLUTION: Go to the Temple of Zeus, which is north of Messene (it's also a sync point). To the right of the temple there is a small annex with some chickens inside. Interact with the food on the floor to get your reward.
FILL: +8% Critical Damage when the Health bar is low.
#52 Enigma: Rightful King
WHERE: This ostraka is located in the Paidiskoi camp, which is located at the eastern end of the Taigeto Voragini. The ainigmata ostraka will be near a tent and it will be practically impossible not to see it.
ENIGMA: You have come to do, your training is nearly complete. With shining strength in hand, you will seek victory. Take the path north up Mount Taygetos and you will find me at its snow summit, where stone turns weak.
SOLUTION: To find this secret, you will have to reach the highest peak of Mount Taigeto. Once you reach the top, walk along it until you find a sword buried in the rock. Interact with the weapon in question and you will once again get your coveted prize.
FILL: +10% chance of Critical Strike when the Health Bar is full.
#53 Enigma: Mapping Out
WHERE: This stone tablet is located in the Altar of the Dioscuri, which is located in the southwest corner of the Eurota Forest. The ostraka is on the floor next to a stone table.
ENIGMA: There is a pond in the south of the Chasms of Taygetos where rocks are arranged to look like a map. A reward is hidden on this map marking your current location.
SOLUTION: Head towards the southernmost point of the Chasms of Taigeto and you will find the pond of Tainaros. Know that the place will be patrolled by a lot of hunters, a bear and a wolf. Precisely for this reason, you will have two choices: infiltrate the pond silently or draw your weapons and kill everyone. Either way, you will find a map of Ancient Greece in the water. At this point, you'll have to find your current location on this map and, once you've done that, you'll get your reward.
FILL: +12% adrenaline with every shot scored.
#54 Enigma: Soldier to Shoulder
WHERE: This ostraka is located in the House of Leaders located in the centre of Sparta. The stone tablet is located inside the main house of the complex, but beware, this area is full of level 33 guards, so you'd do well to be on your guard, especially if your protagonist is a level lower than your enemies.
ENIGMA: If you stand on the shoulder of Leonidas, you will see he gazes toward the sanctuary dedicated to a mighty king of Sparta who ruled long ago. Start your journey southeast to Helot Hill and find me at the temple's altar.
SOLUTION: The statue of Leonidas mentioned in the riddle is at the top of his tomb and if you climb on his shoulders, you will see that he is looking right at Menelaion, a temple located on the Ilote Hills. At this point, go to the temple in questine and you will find the object you need right on the altar. Interact with it and claim your reward.
FILL: +10% Elemental Resistance.
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey - Solution to the Ainigmata Ostraka present in the DLC Judgment of Atlantis
#55 The Sleeping Giant
WHERE: You will find the tablet with the riddle in Prosperity Terrace.
SOLUTION: Always remaining in the Prosperity Terrace area, head west, to the edge of the area, more precisely near the river. In this place there will be several bushes, and you will find a tree with red flowers at its base: interact with them and you will find the solution.
#56 High And Dry
WHERE: You will find the tablet with the enigma in the village of Hand of Hades. The ostracon is placed next to a trunk on the roof of the building.
SOLUTION: You can find the solution to this riddle in the area called Village of Glorious Dead. On the west side of the village you will find a huge body of water; at this point, you will have to climb the rock walls that you will find in this area, climbing the small waterfalls. In this way, you will reach the entrance of a small structure at the top of one of these waterfalls: the solution to the puzzle will be found inside. Luckily, the door will be well in view, so you won't get confused.
#57 Dear Demeter
WHERE: You will find the tablet with the enigma in the location of the Asphodel Fields. More precisely, the ostracon will be placed on a table, to the left of the statue that you will find in the building.
SOLUTION: To find the solution, go to the quick travel point called "Heart of Elysium". On the east side of the area, you will find a small golden shrine. Go there and interact with the roses in the basket.
#58 Brick House
WHERE: You will find the tablet with the puzzle in the location of House of the Bloodline. You'll find it in a basket right in front of the house.
SOLUTION: To find the solution, make a quick trip to the area called "Stroma's High Peak"; one there, you will have to dive into the water below. Once you dive, you will notice a very small set of ruins, including a partially buried statue. All you have to do is interact with the statue to find the solution.
#59 Keep Your Eye On Me
WHERE: You will find this tablet in an area called Radamanthos Ruins, in a basket next to a statue.
SOLUTION: Head to the area called Mortal Encampment. Once there, look for a completely golden statue: you will find the solution to the riddle simply by interacting with the base of the statue.