Apex Legends Update 1.47 patch notes
Apex Legends update 1.47 brings an assortment of changes and fixes to several legends and weapons. There are tons of new collectibles and some quality of life changes to improve the experience. Check out the full list of patch notes below.
Bêta cross-play
Since the launch of Apex Legends, cross play has been one of the most requested features by our players who want to be able to play with their friends on other platforms. During the cross-play beta, players will have full access to the cross-play functionality as we collect data, test the functionality at scale, and most importantly, listen to you, the fans, for feedback.
LTM - Flash point
Aftermarket features a brand new limited-time mode, Flashpoint. Played on Kings Canyon, all healing items are removed in favor of massive areas around the map which regenerate both your health and shields.
Read more about Crossplay Beta and Flashpoint on the Aftermarket blog here.
Collection event
Aftermarket features another 24 item collection event with skins like Wattson's "Wired for Speed" skin or Wraith's "Void Prowler" skin.
Event price monitoring
With a new event, it's also a new challenge track! This time around, get a chance to get cosmetic products like “Blue Chipped” from Bangalore or “Performance Boost” from Hemlok for free.
New Legacy - Caustic's Death Hammer
Caustic's Death Hammer is the latest Heirloom to be added to the Heirloom Pool. This hammer filled with nox will crush anyone who comes in contact with it.
Meta legend
- Rampart
- Increased propagation speed of Sheila's ball
- Bloodhound
- Updated Bloodhound's tactical cooldown while the ultimate is active from 6 seconds to 8 seconds.
- Scout
- Grapple cooldown is now based on how far Pathfinder has traveled. The shortest possible pull has a 10s cooldown; the maximum cooldown is still 35 seconds, but you'll have to swing a really long distance to get there. Have fun there, folks!
- Spectre
- Updated Wraith sprint animation.
- Crypto
- Crypto's drone can now open vaults if Crypto has a key in their inventory. He consumes the key as usual.
- Loba
- Increased Ultimate and Passive Range from 3100 units to 4500 units.
- Loba now starts the match with his ultimate half charged.
Weapon meta
- Devotion
- Increased hip fire spread to base level and added spread increase when firing.
- fire eater
- We try to keep the hipfire numbers consistent with similar weapons of the same class. So the increased hipfire spread on the Devotion is also applied to the Spitfire. To compensate, we reduce the horizontal recoil of the Spitfire.
- Triple take
- Rate of fire reduced from 1,4 to 1,3.
Quality of life
- Loot prompts now show damage accumulated by an evo shield, allowing you to make a better decision when switching.
- You can now switch to an armor of the same level which has less health, if it is closer to evolving.
- Loot prompts will now have a small indicator that lets you know if your teammate needs this item, so you can ping them!
- Performance View is a new option that activates a panel that appears in the upper right corner of your screen during a match.
- Anonymous mode has been added to the options. Anonymize your name in the champion's presentation, obituary, and other live opponent locations.
- Level 0 Evo armor will now appear empty in inventory, so you can ping to request armor.
- There are more banners placed around World's Edge to better support Cryptos ability to see nearby squads in their drone.
- Out of Range - The out of range timer no longer refreshes each time you enter a new out of range zone. The timer is now a fixed duration: 30 seconds. If you enter new out of bounds areas, the stopwatch will decrease steadily. However, if you only have 5 seconds left, the stopwatch will continue to refresh until that 5 second mark.
- This should work against the people exploiting the timer, while still giving people time to come down if they land up there.
- Random selection of favorites added for Music and Loadscreen categories
- Holo Sprays will now remember which players liked them and display a count to the owner. It also prevents other players from spamming “likes” on the holo spray.
- Legend Tokens have been reduced to a tooltip in the lobby. Hover over your currency to see your amount.
Bug fixes
- General
- Added the ability to ping Crypto's card room satellite dish from the delivery ship
- Gibraltar
- Fixed an issue with the bubble shield appearing white under certain conditions.
- Safety rope
- Fixed an issue with the "Guardian Angel" skin having a stretched neck when using Sheila.
- Fixed an issue where healing packs could not be placed on certain parts of the Condenser, Platform, or Salvage in Kings Canyon.
- Caustic
- Fixed Caustic Barrels being placed at an angle on Shipping Crates.
- The Mirage,
- Fixed an issue that prevented Mirage Decoys from being cracked.
- Fixed an issue that did not allow Crypto's drone to highlight decoys.
- Octane
- Fixed a visual issue that removed a player's Revenant shadow form after jumping from an Octane Jump Pad.
- Fixed an issue with the Jump Pad cutting in the ground in some areas
- Crypto
- Fixed an issue with his drone not detecting Wattson's security barriers.
- Fixed an audio issue with the sounding beacon sometimes emitting very little sound when used as a Crypto drone.
- Fixed an issue with his drone not taking damage directly below.
- Revenant
- Fixed an issue with the Replicator HUD remaining on screen when the totem effect wears off.
- Loba
- Fixed inconsistencies with teleporting to a supply ship.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to teleport in exercises around the lava crack.
- Fixed an issue preventing teleportation to certain terrains in Staging.
- Rampart
- Fixed an issue with doors closing when dismantling a Sheila placed in a door.
- Fixed amplified cover from floating in mid-air when placed on a Supply Ship.
- Fixed an issue with the ability to place Sheila on loot bins.
- Fixed an issue with Longbow DMR, Triple Take, Mastiff, and Sentinel not always receiving the Amped Cover buff.
- Fixed an issue with Amped Cover being able to be placed at the wrong angles around the map.
- Fixed an issue with Amplified Cover not being destroyed by the Charging Rifle's initial explosion.
- Fixed an issue with bullets being amplified before they passed through the amplified wall from certain angles.
- L-Star
- Fixed an issue with overheating when firing multiple times with a single shot from the weapon.
For more details on this Apex Legends patch, including development notes for some of the changes, check out the official Apex Legends site.