Guide de raid Pokémon GO Azelf
Each will be available in specific regions (see which regions and how to join raids for the rest here). If you are in the Americas, you should have easy access to Azelf. This Legendary Psychic-type Pokémon might not be the most useful, but you definitely want to grab one to add to your Pokédex if you haven't already. Below are all of the best counters against Azelf, but before that we want to give some general tips and tricks on how to beat Azelf in Pokémon GO.
At max level with the best counters and with the weather on your side, you can take out Azelf quite easily with just two trainers. But if you don't want to fight, we suggest you have at least 3-5 players to join your raid. With that much, you should be able to win with just a few of the counters listed below. Azelf is wind boosted, so only take it if you want an upgraded version and have enough Trainers to win. Azelf will have CP 1834 if his IVs are 100% perfect under normal conditions and will be 2293 CP if boosted by the weather.
Azelf will attack you using Extrasensory or Confusion as the quick attack and Futuresight, Fire Blsat or Swift for the charged one. This shouldn't be too much of a problem for most counters, but watch what the game suggests when loading up and make sure you don't enter with Pokémon that might be weak to the incoming attack. That said, here are all of the best counters against Azelf in Pokémon GO.
The best Azelf counters
Azelf is weak for Bug, Dark, and Ghost-type Pokémon, which gives you a lot of very solid options against him. Below is the table showing the best regular counters and their ideal stroke play, but before that there are a few unique cases we should cover.
Mega Gengar with Lick and Shadow Ball and Mega Houndoom with Snarl and Foul Play are clear favorites to counter Azelf. If you have some, you might want to use some of these Mega Candy if you have any available. Likewise, Shadow Tyranitar with Bite and Crunch and Shadow Mewtwo with Psycho Cut and Shadow Ball (if you got rid of Frustration) are also top contenders. If you have them available, you'll want them on your team with the ones below.
Hope our Pokémon GO Azelf raid guide showing you the best counters and how to beat him is helpful. And don't forget to check out our guide on how to join the raids for Mesprit and Uxie.