How to craft multiple items faster
The first and most important tip is to simply overwrite A when creating multiple objects. Whether it's baits or tools, if you keep pressing A, not only will you navigate the menus faster, you will also trigger a faster animation sequence while you actually create the item. . You can watch this when creating with your character moving much faster through the process if you press A at the right time after you start creating the item. You can try to time this correctly, but just hitting the A button over and over while it helps. And make sure you have all the items needed for crafting in your inventory so you don't have to scroll through or retrieve anything out of storage. Just sit down at a table and press A over and over again until you run out of materials.
On a somewhat different note, many players find it difficult to carry all of the materials needed to create what they need while exploring their island. One of the first things you should do is set up an outdoor craft table, either near your pier or somewhere easily accessible. But what about all those items you need to craft the tools, bait, furniture or whatever? Another strategy that players use is to create some sort of workspace. Set up tables and place crafting materials, like wood, iron nuggets, and star shards. By placing them on the tables, you ensure that they stay and cannot be grabbed by online players who might pass. But if you need to craft multiple items in a hurry, you can run here, instead of going home, pick up what you need, craft it, and then throw the remaining materials on the table for later.
So these are all the tips for crafting multiple items faster in Animal Crossing: New Horizons that we have right now. We're all waiting to see if this much-requested feature makes its way into the game in a future update, so check back to find out more if that happens.