Of all the pastimes of Animal Crossing : New Horizons fishing is among the most fun and important.
Living on a peninsula will give you the opportunity to catch lots of fish that you can sell, give them to the museum, give them to the villagers and display them as trophies. It's up to you.
How to catch fish
To catch a fish you will find a characteristically shaped shadow on the water, equip the fishing rod.
In front of the water press button A and cast the line, as soon as the float will sink to the surface of the water quickly press button A to wrap the fish, do not be too fast or too slow otherwise you will scare the fish and escape.
The first fishing rod is: "fragile fishing rod", which can be improved on a DIY bench, don't think too much about which rod is better, as soon as one breaks you can reassemble it at the DIY bench or buy a new one at Nook's Cranny.
Best fishing locations
There are three types of fishing environments: the ocean, the river and the pond. The river is divided into three parts: river mouth, river reef and river, ocean means the wooden pier that is located on your small island (but not the pier leading to the airport).
Salmon can be found at the mouth of the river which is the point where it meets the ocean, while others like cherry salmon can be found on the cliff.
The climate does not influence the catch (as for insects) but the increase in the number of fish you can find, for example you can only find Latimeria when it rains or snows.
Basically, in winter and on rainy days you will have more chances to catch more fish.

Manage the shadow
The shadows of the fish appear in different sizes, they can be super small, small, medium, large or super large. The long, lean shadows are the eels, which you can catch safely.
If you see the shadow of a finned fish, well, it's a shark! You'll need a very short reaction time to catch it, it's worth a lot of bells and don't miss them.
Day and Time are important
Animal Crossing is synchronized with the real world (or your nintendo switch) so the fish will appear at certain times and months.
To catch them all you'll have to play at different times of the day and...all year round, so bookmark this guide, the table will come in handy!
Table of all fish by time and season
As opposed to Animal Crossing : New Leaf there are 80 fish (8 more!), the fish reproduce in certain periods and we have the exact list for fishing (both northern and southern hemisphere) and dates and times of reproduction.
In addition, you will also know how much it will yield in terms of bells to the sale, here is the table (which concerns our hemisphere, the North one):
Fish:Season:Season:Time:Price:Anchovy | All year round | Ocean | 4:00 β 21:00 | 200 |
Angel Fish | From May to October | River | 4:00 β 21:00 | 3.000 |
Arowana | From June to September | River | 4:00 β 21:00 | 10.000 |
Parrot Fish | March - November | Ocean | All day long | 5.000 |
Barreleye | All year round | Ocean | 21:00 β 4:00 | |
Fish Fighter | May - October | River | 21:00 β 4:00 | 2,500 |
Rodeo Amaro | November - March | River | All day long | 900 |
Persian Trout | All year round | River | All day long | 400 |
Blowfish | November to February | Ocean | 21:00 β 4:00 | 5,000 |
Blue Marlin | Nov., Apr., July, Sept. | Pier | All day long | 10,000 |
Lepomis macrochirus | All year round | River | 21:00 β 4:00 | 180 |
Carp | All year round | River | All day long | 300 |
Catfish | From Mag - Oct | Pond | 4:00 β 21:00 | 800 |
Arctic char | March, June, Sept. and Nov. | River | 4:00 β 21:00 | 3,800 |
Japanese Salmon | March, June, Sept. and Nov. | River (cliff) | All day long | 1,000 |
Clownfish | From April to September. | Ocean | All day long | 650 |
Coelacanth | All year round | Ocean (when it rains) | All day long | 15,000 |
freshwater crayfish | April to September. | Pond | All day long | 200 |
common carassian | All year round | River | All day long | 160 |
plaice | Oct. to Apr. | Ocean | All day long | 300 |
leucisco | All year round | River | 4:00 β 21:00 | 240 |
abysmal fish | From Nov. to March | Ocean | 4:00 β 21:00 | 2,500 |
goby | All year round | River | 4:00 β 21:00 | 400 |
gilt trout | Tue - May - Sep - Oct. - Nov. | River (cliff) | 4:00 β 21:00 | 15,000 |
goldfish | All year round | Pond | All day long | 1,300 |
Guppy | Apr to Nov. | River | 21:00 β 4:00 | 1,300 |
Hammerhead Shark | June to September. | Ocean | 4:00 β 21:00 | 8,000 |
Horse Mackerel | All year round | Ocean | All day long | 150 |
King Salmon | September | River (mouth) | All day long | 1,800 |
Koi | All year round | Pond | 4:00 β 21:00 | 4,000 |
Loach | Tue - Apr - May | River | All day long | 400 |
Chinese crab | Sept to Nov | River | 4:00 β 21:00 | 2,000 |
moray eel | August to Oct. | Ocean | All day long | 2,000 |
neon fish | From Apr. to Nov. | River | 4:00 β 16:00 | 500 |
Remus Fish | From December to May | Ocean | All day long | 9,000 |
sunfish | July to September. | Ocean | 09:00 β 16:00 | 4,000 |
Sole | All year round | Ocean | All day long | 800 |
cyprinid | All year round | River | 09 β 16:00 | 200 |
northern pike | From Sept. to Dec. | River | All day long | 1,800 |
Piranha | June to September. | River | 09:00 β 16:00 | 2,500 |
pingo | From Dic. to Febb. | River | All day long | 320 |
telescope fish | All year round | Pond | 09:00 β 16:00 | 1,300 |
pufferfish | July to September. | Ocean | All day long | 250 |
Rainbow fish | From Mag. to Ott. | River | 9 β 16:00 | 800 |
Goldfish Ranchu | All year round | Pond | 9 β 16:00 | 4,500 |
breed | From August to November. | Ocean | 04:00 β 21:00 | 3,000 |
colisa | All year round | Ocean | All day long | 3,000 |
moray eel | July to Oct. | Ocean | All day long | 600 |
Salmon | September | River (Mouth) | All day long | 700 |
bass bassalone | All year round | Ocean | All day long | 400 |
cabbage | From Dec. to March | Ocean | All day long | 1,000 |
hippocampus | April to Nov. | Ocean | All day long | 1,100 |
Turtle | August to September. | River | 4:00 β 21:00 | 3,750 |
Squid | From December to August | Ocean | All day long | 500 |
spur | From December to March | River (cliff) | 4:00 β 21:00 | 15,000 |
sturgeon | From Sept. to March | River (mouth) | All day long | 10,000 |
qualms | June to September. | Ocean | All day long | 1,500 |
ayu | From July to September | River | All day long | 900 |
tadpole | From March to July | Pond | All day long | 100 |
Tilapia | From June to October | River | All day long | 800 |
Tuna | Nov - Apr | Pier | All day long | 7,000 |
Shark | We don't know. | Ocean | We don't know | - β β β |
yellow perch | April to September. | Ocean | All day long | 300 |
zebra lion | April, May, July to Nov. | Ocean | All day long | 500 |