What if an Android app closes on its own, becomes unresponsive, or won't open? We have all known this: without warning, the Android application we are using suddenly closes. To solve the problem and prevent it from repeating, we have a few tips for you.
Whether you are a beginner of Android or a more advanced user, we have all had to deal with an android application which refuses to function properly. It sometimes happens that Google has pushed a faulty update of the apps or a component of the Android system.
In the last few hours, many users are complaining that the Google Android app is completely out of service. The Mountain View giant has apparently deployed an update to the app which contains a bug. While waiting for a fix, we advise you not to install the June 21 update.
Unfortunately, not all bugs really have a quick fix that works every time. On the other hand, we can offer you some tips for reacting correctly in the event of a problem. Follow the leader !
Uninstall the update from the Android app that caused the bug
In some cases, bugs, restarts and crashes are caused by a failed update. To avoid damage, we obviously recommend not installing the faulty update. If you have already installed it, it is possible to uninstall it on some smartphones:
- Go to Settings
- Go to Applications
- Tap the three small dots at the top right of the screen
- Select System Applications
- Click on the Google app
- Press the three small dots
- Choose Uninstall updates
Restart your Android smartphone
Then try to restart your smartphone. If it is a long time since you have not restarted your Android device, this action might work well, restarting will reset your smartphone to open applications and processes. All those apps running in the background on your Android smartphone can have a real negative effect in the long run. If the problem is minor, restarting should suffice.
Force stop the Android application
Before getting to its more extreme solutions, first force shutdown this broken Android app. Even if you have already closed it, an application may continue to run in the background due to a bug. To force the shutdown, all you need to do is:
- See you in the Parameters from your Android smartphone
- Go to Apps and notifications
- Choose the problematic Android app
- Press on Force stop
Clear the Android app cache
In the event of a problem, the second essential step is to empty the cache of the application in question. To clear the cache of an Android application, it's very simple:
- meet in Parameters,
- then in Apps and notifications
- choose the problematic Android application
- See you in Warehousing
- Click on Clear Cache
The next time you open, your application will be a little slower at launch, but this maneuver could have solved the problem if it is not too serious. On the other hand, avoid clicking on “Delete data”. This action will delete the data recorded at the time of identification.
Synchronize your smartphone with Google servers
In some cases, it may be necessary to re-synchronize your smartphone with Google's servers. Note, however, that handling may vary depending on the manufacturer. Here is a procedure to follow:
- Open the app Parameters from your phone
- Go to the tab System and Date and hour
- Now deactivate the options Automatic time zone et Automatic date and time
- Change the date and time to be incorrect
- Activate options Automatic time zone et Automatic date and time
Check if an update is available for the Android app
The problem may have already been spotted by the developers of the application. Hopefully an update with a fix is already being offered. To check if an app update is available, all you need to do is:
- go to l'application du Google Play Store
- go to the drop-down menu on the left
- Press on My games and apps
- choose Update all
Uninstall then reinstall the Android app
If all these tips still haven't worked, you will have to uninstall the application that is causing you problems. For that, you just have to:
- Go to l'application Google Play Store
- Find the application in question and click on uninstall
- Wait a few moments before pressing Installer
Of course, this solution is only possible in the case of an application that you have installed yourself. If it was native to your Android smartphone, you still have the option to root it to remove the application or remove the latest updates. One of these two solutions should be able to fix the problem as well.
Factory reset your Android smartphone
If the above methods did not work, you will have to use the strong method. You will have to restore your smartphone to its factory settings. Before doing this, however, there are a few essential steps to follow. First of all, we advise you to back up the personal data of your Android smartphone. To restore your smartphone to factory settings:
- Open the app Parameters
- Click on System then Reset options
- Press Erase all data (restore factory configuration
- Once this is done, select the option to restart the device.
- Configure the device and restore the data you backed up.
To learn more, find out why you need to reset your Android smartphone and how to do it. Which apps are having the most problems on your Android smartphone? What's your method? Have you ever stopped using an app because of this problem? Tell us all about it in the comments!
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