As an RPG, Baldur's Gate 3 gives you the freedom to create your own playable character. There is a selection of predefined characters that you can play, but there is also a character customization tool available if you want to make your own avatar.
Part of this customization process lets you choose from one of the nine races in Baldur's Gate 3. Each race grants you specific buffs and abilities, and you might want a hand to decide which one to choose. Our recap of each Baldur's Gate 3 race shows you what you'll get if you select them, so read on before making your selection.
Underground elves who worship the goddess Lolth. There are no subraces to choose from for this race.
- Aptitude - +1 charisma score
- Racial characteristics - Cantrips, Darkvision, drow weapons training
Grandmother (North Wales)
A race that hates goblins and orcs, and lives in hills or under mountains.
- Aptitude - +2 Constitution Score
- Racial characteristics - Dark Vision, Dwarven Combat Training, Dwarven Resilience, Tool Mastery, Stone Carving
- Sub-races - Hill dwarf and mountain dwarf
- Languages - Common and dwarf
Gifted with magic and beings of ethereal beauty. They live in this world but are not entirely a part of it.
- Aptitude - Dexterity Score +2
- Racial characteristics - Dark vision, keen senses, fairy ancestry, trance
- Sub-races - High Elf and Wood Elf
- Languages - Common and Elven
Intelligent and tenacious, the Half-Drow have been exiled from their Drow colonies and live and work alone. There are no sub-races.
- capacity - +1 to two skill scores of the player's choice
- Racial characteristics – Cantrips, Darkvision
Half elf
Beings who have elven and human qualities. This race is well received by all, but they are struggling to find a place to truly feel at home. Tend to live alone or with other social outcasts, and do not have sub-races
- capacity - +2 charisma score, +1 to two other ability scores of player's choice
- Racial characteristics - Darkvision, Fey Ancestry, skill versatility
- Languages - Common, Elvish and other of the player's choice
Halflings value home life more than any other breed. A preference for a quiet and community life rather than for fighting, and can travel in nomadic tribes to discover new lands on which to settle.
- Aptitude - Dexterity Score +2
- Racial characteristics - Lucky, Courageous and Halfling Agility
- Sub-races - Lightfoot and Stout
- Languages - Common and halfelin
Fearsome warriors who seek out and destroy all Spirit Flayers. Trained in silver blade combat, and often seen riding Red Dragons. No sub-races.
- capacity – Score de force +2, score d'intelligence +1
- Racial characteristics - Decadent mastery, Martial Prodigy
The youngest of the common breeds, and shorter than most breeds. Possess the most increases in ability scores due to persistence, determination, and drive to succeed. No sub-races.
- capacity - +1 intelligence score, +1 strength score, +1 dexterity score, +1 Widsom score, +1 constitution score, +1 charisma score
- Racial characteristics - +1 additional language
- Languages - Common
Beings of demonic appearance due to a pact with the Overlord of the Nine Hells Asmodeus. Tieflings are often ridiculed and attacked in the streets for their looks and their ancient sin.
- Aptitude - Charisma score +2, intelligence score +1
- Racial characteristics - Dark Vision, Hellish Resistance, Hellish Legacy
- Sub-races – Tiefling Asmodeus
- Languages - Common and hellish