Like all seasons so far, Season 6: Boosted brought us the final Legend: Bulwark. Ramya Parekh, or Rampart for short, is our new defensive-type legend and his skill set is sure to rock the game.
Here's a look at all of the abilities Rampart brings to the Apex arena.
Modified charger (passive capacity)

Rampart is designed to blend in with the competition. Her passive gives her increased magazine capacity not only for her ultimate (Emplaced Minigun "Sheila"), but also for any light machine guns she uses. This includes the Devotion, the Spitfire, and the L-Star. It's good to keep this in mind when selecting it, that you might want to prioritize LMGs over other weapon options.
Amplified Coverage (Tactical Ability)

This tactic is unique in that it creates a physical wall that can stand between you and your opponent. The lower half of the wall is crouched, preventing damage from both sides if you crouch, while the upper half is an energy amplified wall that blocks incoming damage and feeds outgoing damage. It works especially well in combination with Rampart's Ultimate.
Minigun "Sheila" in place (ultimate ability)

Rampart's ultimate ability places a mounted Gatling-style machine gun with a massive ammo magazine, which is even larger when used by Rampart herself due to her passive. There are two downsides to the weapon in that the reload time is very long and anyone can walk up to Sheila and use it if you give up your post. Beware of an enemy Bulwark with access to your ultimate.
Unlike many other defensive legends, Rampart does not have the fortified advantage. Unlike other smaller Legends, Rampart is not low-key. Which makes sense, because it's clear that she likes to provoke a scene.
Rampart's cannon, similar to Wattson's reactor, is not part of his hitbox. Take advantage of it when you can. Overall, Bulwark's abilities add a flash of something new to Apex, and she certainly isn't shy about it. Are you ready to wreak havoc?