After a long development process and an equally long distribution in the world, Facebook Dating Italy recently made its debut in the Bel Paese. This new online dating feature offered by the famous social network has been officially available for a few weeks and we have put it to the test. We scoured Facebook Dating to understand how it works, but above all what its strengths and weaknesses are compared to the competition. Let's see how it went.
- Facebook Dating: how it works and how to use it
- Facebook Dating: the ingenious solution to the 'friend problem'
- Facebook Dating: Our Opinions
How Does Facebook Dating Work Exactly?
Before telling you our opinions, let's do some clarity. In fact, many are curious to understand exactly how Facebook Dating works and we are ready to explain it to you. The underlying mechanism is now typical of dating services of this type, the main purpose of which is to introduce people with common interests to find a soul mate.
Once the account is created, each user a series of other profiles scrolls, indicating those he is interested in. When two people, independently, they liked each other have the opportunity to get in touch, thanks to a chat that opens specifically. From here on they will be able to chat and any further development will be in their hands alone.
Special features of the service
The peculiarity of Facebook Dating, which differentiates it from other products of the genre, is that exploits the information collected from social blue. We will therefore not have to enter interests, passions and tastes and even wanting new photos. Facebook has already these data about us and will use them to recommend the most suitable potential partners. In short, there is no need to spend time creating a profile: are already years that we are unknowingly working on it. We even have the possibility to consult the profiles registered in our own groups or who have participated in the same events.
Facebook Dating: how to use it
To start using the dating feature, it will be enough sign up directly from the service (on the mobile app you will also find a dedicated icon at the top) and in a few minutes you will be ready to go. It should be noted that among the permissions required to use the dating service there is also the one on the position necessary to report profiles in the vicinity. This, it is specified, it will not be used for Facebook Dating only, but also for other advertising purposes. An aspect that can make the most privacy conscious turn up their noses and that must be taken into account in the evaluation of the service.
Facebook Dating: the ingenious solution to the 'friend problem'
There is another concern which, however, can affect many: "Will my Facebook friends see that I use the service?". Despite in fact there is nothing wrong with exploring the world of dating, some might be hesitant about spreading it on Facebook. From this point of view, a decisive solution has been found optimal.
First none of your contacts can see that you are using Facebook Dating. He will not post anything on your profile, nor will there be any notifications like "XYZ has joined Facebook Dating, do it too!". Secondly, when scrolling through the profiles, those you have among friends on the social network will automatically be excluded. There is therefore no risk that anyone can recognize you randomly. And if you really want to be sure, you can also exclude the possibility of meeting friends of friends from the settings.
Secret friends and passions
Someone might object: "What if I have friends I'm romantically interested in?". Facebook Dating he also thought about this, creating the section Secret Passions. Here you can enter up to nine friends that you have a crush on, whether they use the app or not. If even one of them adds you in their Secret Passions, the notification will arrive and you can start your chat!
Having made the necessary premises on how Facebook Dating works, let's get to the heart of this online dating service to understand how it is.
Facebook Dating: Our Opinions
Let's say that, on paper, Facebook online dating is a good service. The ability to stay within a social network that we already use allows us to continuously feed the algorithm, as well as run less risk of missing notifications (which often happens with other apps).
The profiles are well established and the possibility of see photos and bio immediately, as well as having quick access to other images, of the potential partner is great. It allows you to flow more smoothly without having to constantly go in and out, making the process even more enjoyable. It is also appreciable the presence of a section in which to take "Another look" for review the rejected profiles previously. And we have already mentioned the excellent idea of the Secret Passions.
Facebook Dating is free and, perhaps, it will remain so
Trying to make some predictions moreover, it can be noted in the plus column that the service will remain free. It is not said of course, but the idea of a premium profile seems to clash with the typical philosophy of Facebook. Already now functions such as seeing who has liked us or double-checking discarded profiles, typically paid elsewhere, are free. The counterpart is always that of "if you don't pay, you are the product" of course, but everyone can make their own assessments.
The number of users
The big rock that Facebook Dating must overcome to really assert itself is that of the only factor that really matters: the number of users. A service of this type is all the more valid the more people take part in it. It is difficult to make precise assessments, but the impression is that for now this feature is not yet richly participated. If Facebook will be able to exploit its exceptional catchment area, pushing it towards this service, it could even aim for sector leadership. This is not the case for now, but it is certainly not an unattainable goal.

- Publishing, ZIRUZ Valen (Author)