There are many ways to make Red Dead money online which is a nice change from the fact that when it was in beta there were only a few, but the best way to to harvest some of those sweet, sweet greenbacks is always to go hunting. It's been the livelihood since day one, and even if you roll from one point on the map to another on the other side, killing whatever you come across along the way, you're still going to do it. serious. bank.
But if you want to line your pockets and weigh down your trusty executioner with more skin than an episode of Game of Thrones, you're going to have to put in some time and effort. In this guide, we take a look at the essential things you need to do so that every time you venture out into the wild, you come back loaded with skins.
Red Dead Online: 10 tips for a successful hunt
Using Eagle Eye
You might think that would be a no-brainer, after all, Eagle Eye is one of the basic mechanics when it comes to hunting, but you'd be surprised how many people only use it when it's dark. It's understandable to a point that when you're on the open expanses of land that make up Rockstar's huge map, you can see miles in either direction during the day, but if you venture into the forests you won't. really can't see the wood. for trees. Clicking on Eagle Eye to jump into action in these situations can be the difference between bagging this rare animal or missing it altogether.
Adventure of the beaten track
As discussed in the introduction to this guide, you can pick a starting point on the map and travel it to an end point and earn a decent amount of money killing anything you come across, but if you really want to get some. high quality skins and rare animals, then you are really going to need to venture out into the wild. Whenever you come across an expanse of land that a man / woman never seems to have set foot on, be like Captain Kirk and boldly walk away. You never know exactly what you will find.
Learn to love your bow
No, that's not an understatement, get your mind out of the gutter. The bow is your best friend when it comes to hunting, and you'll need to be able to wield it in such a way that the green arrow is jealous. It is essential to become lethal with this equipment because killing an animal with it is likely to give you much better quality skin than if you injected around 12 bullets in it and better quality means more money.
Know when to carry a big gun
Now that you know a lot about the bow (thanks to the information provided above), there are times when a set of arrows just won't do. I mean, look at that bloody thing, will you? Can you honestly say that when this bear comes out of the darkness towards you, you'll be able to take it down with a few well-placed archery moments? No, you are not. At times like these, make sure you have a really big gun handy with some really big bullets, otherwise you'll end up like a lunch.
Don't ignore the little guy
It is very tempting to go after the big game in Red Dead online like males, bears and alligators and while all of that is fine and beautiful you really shouldn't forget about the varmints which make up a large part of the wildlife. . They might not be as attractive as something as big as your horse, but anything you kill is worth the money. If a bunny is in your sights, shoot the sob Damn, even skunks are worth a few bucks for any butcher you visit as long as you have a few in your satchel.
Dress for the occasion
The first thing to do when you have a few greenbacks in your wallet is to invest it in some winter clothes. The reason behind this is quite simple; if you want to make money you have to go to those goddamn mountains and hunt. Not many people do, and that means pretty much anything you find up there is rarer than unicorn poop and will pay a tasty price when you bring it back to the cities.
Get a bait but use it correctly
There are two types of bait in Red Dead Online that can be used to lure animals to their destiny, one is for predators and the other is for herbivores, and if you drop it anywhere you then want your kill to magically appear in front of you, pooping rainbows. It's a load of insanity, but it seems people perceive these elements to work. What you need to do is find out where the animals are or will be before you lay the bait and with a little time and practice this is something that will become second nature to you and keep you from having a seizure. Everytime. you're wasting bait and nothing shows up.
The same goes for the Cover scented lotion
Like the bait before, you need to be careful when using scented lotion. Not that you're likely to catch fire or anything if you put it on too early, but the fact that it's just a waste. You need to save it for those times when you're hunting animals that might kill you just by looking at you or that might panic at a single puff of human and bolt, never to be seen again. So, yeah, there's no need to splash this stuff on like it's aftershave.
Sell everything
Unless you are really into crafting and cooking exotic birds with seasoning yourself, then there is no reason you should visit a butcher to sell your wares and walk away with something other than an empty satchel. All you need to survive in the Wild West is enough cooked venison to help you replenish your carrots, say ten pieces should do this, which you should only replenish when you are almost away. Anything you have from your murders needs to be whipped at a butcher every time you reach civilization.
Be patient
Hunting can be a frustrating Red Dead experience online, one that can sometimes see you go for quite a while without having to kill or skin anything, but you have to be patient. There is no point in going off half-armed and throwing a hissing fit just because you haven't been able to do anything in the last 20 minutes; it's like waiting for a bus. Nothing happens so three arrive at a time. If you put in the time and effort, Red Dead Online becomes the perfect hunting simulator, and just like in real life, sometimes that means doing nothing but twiddling your thumbs for the best part of the day.