Today we are focusing on some incredibly minor things that only annoy us. Whether it's text that's too small for the captions, life counters that only go to 99 instead of 100, or character customization that requires you to wear a clown costume instead of the gear you want - it's the little annoyances that don't really make the game much worse, but they bother us anyway.

Online connection in single player games
The convenience of the internet has a downside - more and more games want you to connect to the internet while you are playing. But we are not talking about requirements. We're only talking about the minor annoyances here. I hate to wait for games to connect to the internet when I'm going to be playing solo anyway.
Games like,, and even all of them automatically connect to Ubisoft servers every time you go up. And doesn't even (when released) have any online features! All of these games, and many more, can be played very well offline, so it doesn't spoil the experience. We just hate that 5-10 second wait.

Wait to talk to an NPC
Speaking of waiting, here's another constant annoyance that pops up in many Bethesda RPGs. Games like and have NPCs following the schedules in their day to day lives. At night they go to bed and during the day they go to their day job. It is an awesome system that gives you options when you are an awesome thief. You can sneak in during the day to rob them blind, or drink their blood at night while they are sleeping.
But there is a downside. Sometimes these NPCs are roaming around and you have to wait for them to show up. Sometimes that involves constantly pressing that Wait button - moving forward an hour at a time until the NPC arrives at their day appointment. The struggle to find NPCs is real.