Sanctum upgrades are unlocked after choosing your alliance and reaching level 60 in Shadowlands.
In order to unlock Sanctum upgrades in Shadowlands, you will need to both choose your Covenant and reach level 60. If you upgrade an alt through the Threads of Fate, you will immediately eliminate the first stage, but you will need to reach the new one. level cap to start the Covenant campaign. Sanctum's upgrades tie into the first chapter of the campaign, which is basically a giant “Shadowlands Endgame 101” tutorial. You will be introduced to the Fame system and your first weekly Fame Quest before unlocking Sanctum upgrades.
You will be tasked with cultivating 1000 Anima to complete the quest just before "Home Improvement", which is the quest to unlock Sanctum upgrades in Shadowlands. This Anima quest will give you a Fame Rank, and then you will have enough Anima to purchase your first upgrade. Once you have moved on to "Home Improvement", talk to your Covenant's Sanctum Upgrade NPC (he is the one who gives the quest) to open the Sanctum Tank UI.
This user interface performs two functions. First, this is where you'll convert all of your Anima items to Anima to spend. Click "drop" at the bottom of the interface to empty any Anima items you currently have in your inventory in your Covenant's Anima tank, freeing up space in the bag and allowing you to spend the Anima on them. improvements to the sanctuary (among others).
The second function is to upgrade your Sanctum! You'll notice four options around your tank: the Transportation System, Anima Conductor, Adventure Command Table, and your Covenant's Special Activity. You'll need Anima and Redeemed Souls to purchase Sanctum upgrades in Shadowlands, and since Redeemed Souls are stuck with a weekly quest, you won't be able to purchase each upgrade for at least a few months.
You will have enough Animas and Souls redeemed from previous quests to choose an upgrade. If you used the Threads of Fate to level up in Shadowlands, you may have enough Anima to unlock the first upgrade for everything except your Covenant activity (this requires 6 Redeemed Souls, and you will only have 5). Buy whatever you can afford to complete the quest. Here you'll have permanent access to Sanctum upgrades, so be sure to farm more Anima as you play, and don't forget to complete your weekly Redeemed Souls quest to purchase additional upgrades.