This morning, Jam City decided to surprise all Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery fans by releasing a new update. This latest update brought a lot of new things, so let's take a look.
First and foremost, winter has finally arrived and you will instantly notice the change in the surroundings. Snow will fall in almost every open area of the game, and as the season of The festivities has only just begun, you will easily be able to spot many beautiful decorations in different parts of the game world. Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade all have two an exceptionally festive and wonderful appearance. Make sure to check them out, especially the Three Brooms.
Other than that, the update also introduced a new ridge event titled “Homemade and Homemade”. Rewards for this one include The Red, Brown, and Blue Notebooks, as well as the House-themed Sweater. To make it easier for you, helping Dumbledore at Christmas is making a comeback this year as well. As before, this task is located in the Great Hall and its requirements and rewards are quite similar to those of a normal three hour course. However, if you help Dumbledore award you the extra Crests (30% more per star than any other regular class), if you want to earn some nice rewards from this event, you might as well help the Headmaster with that.
On top of all this, Jam City decided to give fans another surprise. This comes in the form of a community event called “Countdown to Christmas at Hogwarts”. For the next 12 days, be sure to check out Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery social media, including its Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages as they distribute various in-game bonuses.
It's also worth noting that the game now has a very festive new loading screen. This strongly suggests the new Christmas adventure that we are sure to experience in the coming weeks. So what are you waiting for? Grab your portkey and transfer to a magical world of Harry Potter mystery at Hogwarts!