Without the talents of voice actors, games would be boring and silent movies. You would have to read everything a character said, and no one wants to. Gears of War 5 There are many talents behind these great faces. In this article, therefore, we are going to go over the main characters and the talented people who voiced them.
Who is the Gears of War 5 voice cast?
Kait Diaz - Laura Bailey
Laura Bailey is voiced interim royalty at this point. She's been in everything from TV shows, anime, video games, and movies. You might know her from her work on Dragon Ball Z, Alchemist Full Metal, Nier, Final Fantasy, Uncharted 4 and more.
J.D Fenix - Liam McIntyre
Liam McIntyre is a well-known Australian actor. He starred in Spartacus, The Flash, Security and of course Gears of War 4.
Del Walker - Eugene Byrd
Eugene Byrd is back to bring the character of Del Walker back to life. He has appeared on TV shows such as Bones, Arrow and True Blood, and has worked on voice for the Battlefield and Driver series.
Marcus Fenix - John DiMaggio
If you don't know who John DiMaggio is, lists like these can't help. He has also worked on the voice for a little-known show called Futurama, Adventure Time, American Dad, Kung Fu Panda, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as in various DC animated films, and is playing with Marcus for the fifth time. Fenix.
Fahz Chutani - Rahul Kohli
Rahul makes his debut in Gears of War 5, but you can recognize him from iZombie, where he plays Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti. This is only its second release in a video game, the first being Rage 2, released earlier this year.