The main character of the new Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order is called Cal Kestis. He is a Jedi padawan who survived the Empire's rise to power and made it through the Order of the Emperor 66, which had exterminated the Jedi. Jedi: Fallen Order takes place five years after Order 66, with the empire coming to power.
We're not sure about Cal. EA and Respawn have kept a lot of story details close to their chests. They don't want players to familiarize themselves with the history of the game before they can experience it for themselves. EA strives to prevent players from getting familiar with the game early by limiting its access as early as possible.
What we do know is that after surviving Order 66, Cal went to the Scrapper Guild in Bracca. They take jobs for which their members demolish the remaining ships stranded by the Republic as a result of the Clone Wars. The Scrapper Guild continued after the Clone Wars and continued its work in the First War on the Resistance, taking place during the Sequel Star Wars trilogy.
The lightsaber we see using it in the trailers, and the gameplay demo isn't originally his. He picks it up throughout his journey and there is a lot of mystery about how he acquired this weapon. We'll likely learn this early in the game, which could lead to Cal's separation from the Scrapper Guild and his journey with his new Jedi trainer, Cere Junda.
Cal will learn more Force Powers on his journey. We won't know too much until we move forward in the story. A strength Respawn has demonstrated gives Cal the ability to slow down objects, such as large propellers, fans, and even enemies. These force powers will serve as useful combat mechanics in the game and give Cal access to other areas of the game. He will also have the usual Jedi ability to throw his lightsaber, close enemies, and jump. higher and to have heightened awareness in combat.
We'll learn more about Cal on his journey in Jedi: Fallen Order. The game releases November 15 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. EA Access users can get the game at 10% off Playstation 4 and Xbox One. PC players can only pass through Steam or Origin, not the Epic Games Store or Microsoft Store. Steam players will still need an Origin account to play.