During the quest for the impossible task for Osiris in Destiny 2, The Guardians must visit three different planets to find The Transformers Vex: Mercury, Io, and Nessus. When you arrive on the planet, you can quickly see where the Vex Transformers are located by the 'X's' that appear on your map across the landscape. You have to look around because they are a bit hidden. When you destroy them, you will receive the Vex Time Scrap.
Mercury Vex transformers. The top five Vex Transformers you'll want to take to Mercury. Because you receive the quest on this planet, it makes sense to visit these places first. Not all of them are obvious. For example, the one closest to the lighthouse is behind it and attached to the wall. You have to use your minimap to find them, but you don't have to do too many crazy jump puzzles to access them.
Io Vex transformers. The next planet you need to visit is Io, and when you arrive all of the locations should look like the previous ones you walked through on Mercury. You may find it best to start at The Rupture fast travel location, as there are two quite close to each other on this part of the map. Then, go to the Lost Oasis to collect the last three.
Nessus Vex transformers. The last set of Vex Transformer that you must destroy is on Nessus. You'll want to jump through the Exodus Black travel point. You can grab the first one there, then head to the left side of the map to destroy all those Vex Transformers. Just like the previous ones, take the time to use your minimap to see if you're at the right level like them and don't need to jump.