The world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is filled with legendary creatures to hunt. This not only gives you a fun challenge, as you have to track and hunt the animal, but you can get some good loot as well. Legendary animal skins can be made into beautiful cosmetics to help you stand out from the crowd.
One such animal is the legendary Pronghorn. This legendary animal can be found west of the Rio Del Lobo Rock, in the area shown on the map above. The area is almost directly south of Armadillo, right by the San Luis River.
Head to the area and look at the top left corner of the screen. When a black box appears, you have entered the territory of a legendary animal. Now is the time to take apart and find the tracks. Just walk in a slowly increasing circle until a question mark appears on the amp. Investigate any feces or fur that is marked with my questions mark. Now you need to enter Eagle Eye mode and follow the animal's tracks. Repeat this process between all animal markers, then the animal will appear.
While the legendary Pronghorn doesn't pose a threat to you like a bear would, hunting is still difficult. You have to find the tracks, carefully move them around the area to find them. The Pronghorn will scare very easily, so you need to be careful. What the Pronghorn lacks in threat it makes up for in speed. We suggest using a fast and accurate firing weapon over medium to long ranges, such as a rifle. You can also try to get up close and use a shotgun, as legendary skins cannot be damaged.
Be prepared to use your Dead Eye ability to put multiple hits to the animal's head when you find it, to make sure it can't run away. As long as you are careful and get gout, you shouldn't have a problem here. If the animal escapes, simply leave the area for a while and come back to try again.
If you take the Pronghorn Carcass to the Trapper, you can craft the Legendary Longhorn Coat or the Legendary Gloves from the Pronghorn range. The coat will cost $ 35, while the gloves will cost $ 17. You can also turn the horn into the legendary Pronghorn Trinket, which will prevent animals stored on your horse from rotting.