To access the room where the researcher Bard Resident Evil 3: Remake is being held, you need to access a voice activation panel. To do this, you need to locate an audio cassette hidden somewhere in the hospital, and finding it will not be easy.

First you need to head left towards the emergency entrance, where there are a handful of zombies. Take them out, then go left, then right in a stairwell. A body will fall from the second floor, but it is neither undead nor alive, so you can pass it unharmed on the second floor. From there you want to head left on the roof, follow the path with a body lying in the middle, then walk forward, not to the left. Go all the way, then go right. You will find an open window in the corner, which you want to jump to the lower level. You have to find a key in the yard.

When you have found the key, exit the courtyard, then go up to the second to return to the roof section. The body you passed on the roof earlier is now undead, so take it out. After killing him, exit the roof area, then look left. You want to walk down the hall and right into the staff room. Bodies are everywhere, and you can pick up some useful equipment. Proceed to the back where you need to use the key you found in the yard, then go inside to check the lockers. The one in the back will have an ID card for you to use. Head back to the staff room and the way you came, and you'll face your first hunter. Take it out using grenades or use a flash to distract it, then ignite it with your assault rifle.

Go back to where you jumped out the window, but stop at the entrance to the nurses station. Go inside this time and wait for the zombies to come crashing through the doors. Take them out, then go to the right side of the room into the hallway. You will observe two hunters in a room which you must enter. One watches a door and the other tears up a body. Continue down the hall to the lingerie and take out the two zombies inside.

When you're ready, go to the door to the right of the room and face the two hunters down. You will need to use whatever flashbangs or grenades you have left to use them both. It's good practice to try to kite them using the lingerie door, but this doesn't always work, and one of them might find their way inside. Once they're down, go to the back of the room, and you'll find the audio cassette next to the little light on the table.
There are lots of little secrets and things to discover as you explore the hospital. Remember to investigate every little nook as you walk around to give yourself an edge against the zombie horde.