Getting the Deadpool skin last week doesn't seem to have stopped the Pool Guy from having fun in Fortnite. It had been eight weeks of work for players to get that skin, but that's not the end of Deadpool's in-game shenanigans. There are two more challenges this week. First, you need to find Deadpool's floating pool.
To find it, navigate to the Battle Pass screen, then to the Agent rooms in the upper left corner. Click on Skye and you will find the float in her room. He's right there on the floor, next to his computer.

After that you will have to dance at his Yacht party. For this one, all you need to do is go to the Yacht, the new point of interest that has been added to the map this season, just off Steamy Stacks.
Deadpool has been busy and the yacht has undergone a complete makeover. There's Deadpool stuff everywhere, big balloons adorning the yacht, all over the interior that now looks like Deadpool has been given an unlimited budget to reproduce his own face.

All you have to do when you get there is dance it off, no matter where you are on the yacht when you are doing it. This is fortunate as a lot of players are just falling off at the start of turns, and the yacht has been in complete bloodshed since this challenge was uploaded to the game.
Personally, this is exactly the kind of game we love, so enjoy it while it lasts. Whether we'll have more challenges and more loot, next week remains to be seen. Something tells us we haven't seen Deadpool's last in-game.