Do you need to upgrade a character's weapon in Genshin Impact? Then you will probably have to tackle some of the finer and more difficult to locate items in the game. One of those items is the Dandelion Gladiator. This is an item available from select merchants in town, for those using the correct currency. However, you can also find it by participating in specific drops in the game. These drops happen at particular places, and they also occur at particular times of the week.
There are four levels of Dandelion Gladiator items. There are Dandelion Gladiator's Chains, Dandelion Gladiator's Chains, Dandelion Gladiator's Chains, and Dandelion Gladiator's Dream. All of them are available in the same dungeon location in Genshin Impact. The zone is only available in a Counterfeit area on Wednesdays and Saturdays and is available every Sunday with the other weapon ascension items.

The area of counterfeiting is in the Cecilia Garden. It rotates items daily, so be sure to head there on Wednesday and Saturday if you want to loot any of the Dandelion Gladiator rarity items. The more difficult the dungeon, the more chances you have to loot the best items, such as Shackles or Dreams.
To access the Cecilia Garden, you must first unlock. You must also have at least 20 Original Resin in your inventory to unlock it. You can see how much original resin you have at the top right of your map. An original resin fills up every eight minutes, you may need to plan your activities wisely. If you don't have enough to access the fake domain, you have to wait until there is enough for you. You can also use Brittle Resin or Primogems to instantly restore 60 original resins. However, the more you do this in a day, the more it costs to replenish Original Resin, so at most you probably only want to do it once a day.
If you want to avoid the dungeon to acquire Dandelion Gladiator items, you can visit Marjorie in Mondstadt which is right in front of Katheryne, the Adventurers Guild receptionist. She can only give you Fetters of the Dandelion Gladiator for four Anemo Sigils. You can only buy three per day. Other, rarer Dandelion Gladiator items must be crafted by crafting on an Alchemy Table.
You must have three Dandelion Gladiator items of the rarity below to create it. For example, to create a Dandelion Gladiator Chain, you need three Dandelion Gladiator Chains in your inventory and at least Adventurer Rank 25.