The Festival of the Lost has arrived at Destiny 2. If you head to the Tower, you'll find that Eva is waiting for you with all kinds of tricks and treats in store. The Haunted Forest is also back, challenging the Guardians to get long runs and collect lots of candy! There's also a new mechanic this year, Cipher Decoders that open caches in the Haunted Forest, so make sure you have some in your inventory before you go.
Where is the haunted forest in Destiny 2
You can access the Haunted Forest from your director. Just display the tower map in the Destinations tab, and at the top, above the new Eva icon, there will be another new icon that will allow you to charge into the Haunted Forest. You can load in a version with matchmaking, or a firewall version without it, if you want to take on the solo challenge. Both versions will have a minimum recommended wattage of 750, so make sure you hit that benchmark before entering.
You can also charge into the Haunted Forest using the Small Holographic Tree which is right next to Eva in the courtyard. Go ahead, then interact with him to charge into the forest.
You won't be able to access it until you visit Eva in the courtyard and buy her a festival mask in the form of the Masquerade Mask. This item only costs you 100 Glimmer. Once you have it, you can then charge into the Haunted Forest for your first event run.
When you enter the haunted forest, run to the first platform and stand on it to reload it, it will start your run. You then have to kill the enemies and fight your way through the forest until the progress meter reaches 100%. When it does, you'll be teleported into a boss fight. Kill them, then you'll start the process over again, going through as many branches as you can in 15 minutes.
At the end of the race you will be able to get a Loot Chest, but be warned, and don't trust the ground beneath your feet on your way to that shiny Loot Chest!